Tuesday, November 7, 2017

...and then goes Donald Trump

Donald Trump has no political coattails for 2018 AD
in the year of our Lord.
He is naked as sin.

- Lame Cherry


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

In reading Donna Brazile's insightful, and liberally warped assessment of the failure of Hillary Clinton to both listen to her best adviser in Bill Clinton and her best democratic asset in Donna Brazile, one is left with the reality of Hamrod Clinton that she was like everything that followed the original Star Trek series, as all other Trek's were not about stories, but about the gimmickry of special effects, the electronic sex for the eye which Sheldon fag Cooper's respond to as they think flashing lights are cinema, but real voters get out and vote for passion.

In this, this Brazile book is the warning for Donald Trump 2020, as he has allowed his base to be body beat for a year, as his buddy Paul screwed them over on Obamacare and is now going for Goldman Sachs tax cuts for the rich. Those things turn off voters and they are not turning on for 2018 AD in the year of our Lord for Republicans.

At the heart of Donald Trump's problem is Donna Brazile's problem. She recognized hers though while Mr. Trump promoted his in vote manipulator Jared Kushner and now has Mike Pence keeping Katie Walsh warm over at his staff, after Trump fired her. There was the two biggest advocates for selling voter information for profit in the used vote dealers who kept telling everyone they could win elections by keyboard.
The fact is the Russian trolls had no effect on American voters, nor did Jared Kushner and nor did Katie Walsh and nor did that faggot Robbie Mook who hung her White House tampon on to make the golden fleece.

Brazile writes that Clinton campaign manager Robby Mook and his lieutenants were so obsessed with voter data and predictive analytics that they “missed the big picture.”
“They knew how to size up voters not by meeting them and finding out what they cared about, what moved their hearts and stirred their souls, but by analyzing their habits,” she writes. “You might be able to persuade a handful of Real Simple magazine readers who drink gin and tonics to change their vote to Hillary, but you had not necessarily made them enthusiastic enough to want to get up off the couch and go to the polls.”
Brazile describes Mook, in his mid-30s, as overseeing a patriarchy. “They were all men in his inner circle,” she writes, adding: “He had this habit of nodding when you are talking, leaving you with the impression that he has listened to you, but then never seeming to follow up on what you thought you had agreed on.”

 That is what 2016 AD was all about, and Brazile witnessed it early in blacks were silent for Hillary and hispanics had left the building. Obama's racism has turned off working whites, and when added to the fact that geezer Bernie Sanders had the fire, Hillary's entitlement was not going to win in 2016 because she simply could not steal enough votes as Obama had accomplished twice.

There is not any huge secret in this, except that Hillary Clinton bit on the kool aid of the flesh peddlers who in selling voting lists for profit, had conned politicians into thinking they could win elections. The fact is elections are not won in America, they are stolen, and the crooks do not want that reality known, so they allow the flesh peddlers to spread misinformation that it is their data on voters which win elections.

There is a reality in this that Donald Trump has not yet figured out as Roy Moore in Alabama turned out voters against Donald Trump's candidate. No one in 2016 voted for Donald Trump. I have told this endlessly, but the American voter is always moving in a direction. The astute politician simply gets out in front of that movement. Donald Trump in his WWE cage match got out in front of American Nationalism while Hillary Clinton scorned the remaining Americans. Voters voted for themselves and Trump was in the way, and if Donald Trump does not start acting on his Promises and not this fakery he is supporting out of Congress, he will be primaried in 2020 AD by the same voters who voted him into office as they are oveflowing with revulsion for him, and are not going to accept a Mike Pence as Jeb Bush's 11th toe.

Donald Trump has beat up his electorate. He has disappointed his electorate. They view him as under siege from a deep state Robert Mueller who is more intelligent than Mr. Trump. Trump has been feckless on foreign policy and when it is the Kelly Junta with Shylock Gary Cohn robbing the store, as the Kushner's parade around as Law from Mt. Sinai, the American voter has been burned too many times to stand around and wait to get pissed on again.

Why do you think that Hamrod is chumming the water? She knows certain that she only lost by a few votes in key states of Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, and with what Donald Trump has done in using his voters as punching bags, that vote suppression puts Hamrod into the White House in 2020.
For the Lame Cherry exclusive in this, that is what is behind Donna Brazile's book. Brazile is a Biden girl, she is the democratic order. She knows that President Trump has cut off his base and that any democrat running in 2020 is going to win. She though represents the party order who Hamrod burned. They are not willing to have Hilary Clinton once again grasp defeat from the jaws of victory, and that is what the democrats are maneuvering for. They want this woman crippled politically and they would prefer she was indicted by Jeff Sessions so they could blame Donald Trump. HRC is a crisis too good to waste, and there are numbers of younger, more criminal free democrats who will run in 2020 and win against a crumbled Trump base.
All that is necessary is for Bernie Sanders to come out and say, "I'm too old, but like our great statesmen Teddy Kennedy who put the Kennedy mantel on Barack Obama for President, I do the same thing for........."

And that begins the transfer of power with Bernie rewarded again.

This book by Donna Brazile did not happen by chance. It is the same faction that was infuriated over the squandered opportunities of Bill Clinton and who did not want Hamrod in Presidential races in the George Stephanopolous book. This is a palace coup, and it is coming from Barack Obama's image and Jesse Jackson as image Obama via Michelle is setting the stage for their nominee in 2020 and it is not Hillary Rodham Clinton.

None of this has appeared or been explained what is going on behind the scenes until the Lame Cherry exposed all of this. It is hoped that Donald Trump stops being Paul Ryan's signature on disaster and Junta Kelly's warhawk, and engages the same deal that Reagan made in Americans get to prosper, will be fleeced of that income by the elite, but America is not turned into a corporate used flesh bin in the American Genocide.
It is hoped by the Lame Cherry that someone in the Trump sphere will see reason to him and at least move him to pretend he is American again, give the people what they really want, and for Donald Trump to get out to where the people are already voting in 2020. Mr. Trump must bind up the wounds of his supporters and  ready them for three more political battles, or he will go down as hard as Lee and the Confederates at Sharpsburg. Binding the wounds and only then can he win. Because of right now Hillary Clinton's epitaph of failure will be his an he will face greater humiliation than Barack Obama undressing him at a political roast which started all of this.

Nuff Said
