The Rolling Stones - Paint It, Black (Official Lyric Video ...
Lyric video for "Paint It, Black" by The Rolling Stones. Directed by: Hector Santizo Composers: Mick Jagger, Keith Richards Producers: Julian Klein ...
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
Born:Michael King Jr, Jan 15, 1929, Atlanta, Georgia, U.S.Died:Apr 4, 1968, Memphis, Tennessee, U.S.Cause of death:Assassination
There has been a dossier in existence, both rumored and fact, since 1968 which has been a compilation of a decade of evidence on the greatest fiction which preceded the subject known as Barack Hussein Obama. It is the file on Michael King jr., as that is what the real name of Martin Luther King jr. was.
I once had a puzzled woman ask me who this Martin King was that I kept referring to in blog posts, it was this fiction held in a real FBI dossier and assessment which was the forerunner of Birther Obama, and if one bothers to note the fury in denouncements in this FBI file, you will note the same people swearing the fake documents on Russian Hacking are genuine, are the ones going deranged now that their fictional icon of a national holiday has been exposed for being the Obama print, or the mould onto which the intelligence community would mirror the British Asian Marxist of Barry Soetoro.
In the following file quotes, as all of this is released in PDF files to keep it hidden from a cut and paste public as no one but a poverty chained popular girl who the rich have not donated to yet, will bother with the Truth in transcripting the files for mass distribution, one discovers the three segments of Martin Luther King's existence:
1. Marxist agent using the black revolution from the pulpit to gain political power.
2. Community organized foundation to glean tax money from the Government for profit for King's groups.
3. Sexual deviant and pervert.
The above should echo clearly to you, as who Michael King was is who Barry Soetoro was is who Martin Luther King was and who Barack Hussein Obama was.
As you have not yet correlated the cartel joke in this, Martin King bastardized Christianity for Marxism to leap the movement forward and Barack Obama bastardized the Muslims to leap the movement forward, one corrupted Christian foundations and one replaced Christians foundations with Islam.
As one reads through the segments of the FBI analysis, one begins to understand why there appeared to be the same type of agreement to assassinate Martin King as there was for the Kennedy's, for the simple reason
the same Arab Springs which Obama unleashed in the Mideast, was what Martin King was unleashing in America.
The key period in this is 1967, under Jewish communist tutelage, Martin King was making a move as a Marxist revolutionary to bring down the United States in blowing the country up, in the same scheme that Eric Holder and Barack Obama were engaged in at places like Ferguson Missouri in the first phase of this black communist revolution.
This was to go under the name the Washington Spring Project, but was supposed to fill up the prisons and so terrorize the Capitol psychologically that the effect would never wear off.
Does this sound at all like the fiction you are told to be honoring? I have informed readers previously that the reason I detest Martin King jr. is in Alabama he deliberately went to Selma, sent in innocent black children, who he knew would have police dogs turned on them, to create a horrific public spectacle for the press.
American leaders do not maul children for an ends justifying the means.
Martin Luther King, jr. was born January 15th, 1929, at Atlanta Georgia. His name at birth was MICHAEL KING Jr. In 1935 his first name was changed to Martin.
A.B. degree in 1948 frm Morehouse College, Atlanta Georgia.
Crozer Theological Seminary, Chester, Pennsylvania
Won the Plafker Award as most outstanding student.
President of Senior Class
Received J. Lewis Crozer Fellowship to study at university of his choice.
Graduated from Crozer Theological Seminary, Bachelor of Divinity 1951
Graduate work University of Boston, PHD 1955
Dexter Baptist Church, Atlanta Georgia, led Montegomery Bus Boycott
1957 founded Southern Christian Leadership Conference, became President.
Co Pastor Ebenezer Baptist Church, Atlanta Georgia.
Washington Spring Project.
King predicted that this massive civil disobedience will be more effective than riots. Concerning civil disobedience King declared, "To dislocate the function of a city without destroying it can be more effective than a riot, because it can be longer lasting, costly to society, but not wantonly destructive".
He has bragged that he will fill up the jails of Washington and surrounding towns.
One serious danger in the confrontation lies in the proposed action of the black nationalist groups which plan to attempt to seize the initiative and escalate the non violent demonstrations into violence.
Jail will be the safest place in Washington this spring. However in spite of this potentially explosive situation, King continues his plans. He adroitly uses this possibility as a lever to pressure Congress into action by warning that the "Washington Spring Project" may be the last chance in this country for peaceful change with respects to the civil rights needs.
As one can assess from the above, Martin Luther King was a terrorist, a leftist intent on creating a revolution in America to terrify the nation.
The framework for King's terrorism was based in New York "bring us your poor revolutionary Jews of Europe who murdered the Royals there" in a communist front man named Levison. It was Levison who attached himself to King and King professed he was a devout Marxist, but could never admit to it in public.
Three quarters of Martin King's entourage was communist, and they were crafting the propaganda of his speeches and formulating his policies.
Levison would tell the communists that Martin King was a slow thinker and not quick witted. He would need help in public statements and the press. In the dossier, there was great disappointment in a speech King gave as he stumbled through reading it, as he did not understand the content or subject.
Another complicating factor in the picture is the degree of communist influence on King. One of King's principle advisors is Stanley David Levison. Ostensibly only a New York City attorney and businessman. Levinson is in fact, a shrewd, dedicated communist. Levison has spent the major part of his life advancing communist interests.
Levison informed Jones that King is such a slow thinker he is usually not prepared to make statements without help from someone.
The combined forces of the communist influence and black nationalists advocating violence give the "Washington Spring Project" a potential for an explosive situation.
Levison in February 1962, passed the word to Gus Hall, General Secretray, CPUSA, "King is a whole-hearted Marxist who has studied it (Marxism), he believes in it and agrees with it, but because of his being a minister of religion, does not dare to espouse it publicly".
Futher in March, 1962, Levison told a CPUSA functionary that King was concerned about a "communist label" being "pinned on us" but that, at the same time, he wanted to do everything possible to evidence friendship toward the Soviet Union.
On June 22, 1964, an advisory and research committee was formed, with King's approval, for the purpose of writing King's speeches and guiding his actions.
Among the members were Lawrence Reddick, Bayard Rustin, Clarence Jones and Harry Wachtel.
Reddick is a former member of CPUSA.
Rustin publicly affiliated with the communist party. Arrested in 1946 New York for lewd and indescent acts. Arrested Pasedena California in 1953 for offering to engage in homosexual acts.
Jones was used as a front to hide association with communist Levison, Jones married to Anne Norton a communist party member at Sarah Lawrence College.
During the early 1960's, the CPUSA was striving to obtain a Negro - labor coalition to achieve it's goals in this country.
With all of this communist plotting though a problem occurred in 1964, when Lyndon Johnson and Bobby Kennedy for a memorial to the dead JFK, overthrew Southern Democrats an passed the Civil Rights Act. With the Afroid now having full protection and greater promotion, Martin Luther King lost his platform for publicity, and he embarked then with communists on a new agenda of "Peace in Vietnam".
The problem is Americans, Black and White, rejected the Martin Manifesto, and Martin King's true persona appeared of not having any principles in caring about peace.
King then moved on to a new message of making Vietnam about race, denouncing the United States as the communists were, demanding an end to the war, as his fringe began touting him to run for President in 1968, which would have gutted the American political system, and turned the Democratic party into a shell.
Note the dates in this, in this begins at the end of 1966, moves into 1967 and is coming to a pressure cooker in the spring of 1968, and that is when King is assassinated on a balcony, as his caste look on, and FBI mole Jesse Jackson undertakes the mission of stopping the black revolution in America which would have brought their slaughter.
Do not miss that Tax Day, April 15th, was chosen for King's national protest.
...the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 by Congress. Now it was no longer newsworthy to demonstrate for Negro rights. The passage of this act was one factor that took King off the front pages of the daily newspapers.
King and his aides helped form this coalition of "peace" and "freedom" groups. They saw an opportunity to again propel King into the international spotlight by proposing he make peace in Vietnam.
On August 12, 1965, King announced publicly that he would appeal personally to President Ho Chi Minh of North Vietnam to join a conference to end the Vietnam war. He saie would also send letter to leaders of South Vietnam, the Soviet Union and the United States in this regard.
Because of the unfavorable public reaction to King's announcement, a conference with his top advisors was held in early September, 1965, at which time it was decided that King would avoid the Vietnam issue.
At a conference in the Fall of 1966, of the Peace Mobilization Committee, it was tentatively decided to hold a massive peace demonstration on April 15, 1967, in New York City and San Francisco, California. Of the one hundred seventeen individuals in attendance, seventy-five were members of the Socialist Workers Party or it's youth group, the Young Socialist Alliance. The Communist Part was represented by Arnold Johnson and James West, both of whom are members of the Communist Party, USA, National Committee.
The CPUSA was delighted with King's actions in this regard. The recognized leader of 22 million Negroes had openly attacked his country's policy in Vietnam.
The fringe element Levison referred to was attempting to persuade King to run for President on a peace ticket. On April 19, 1967, Levison and Wachtel conferred concerning King's political possibilities.
On August 15, 1967, he delivered an address at the convention urging new massive civil disobedience which would include general strikes, school boycotts, and a camp in at Washington, DC. All this would be to force Congress to take action to improve the lot of the Negro.
In this same time period, King was busy under the guidance of Jewish communists. In this facet, they had figured out that like Bill Ayers and later Barack Hussein Obama, federal money could be directly piped into their front groups in government programs. If you want to find out about slum lord Val-erie Jarrett, her godfather in this was Martin King making profit off of black slums.
What followed though at the workshops of Martin King, were taxpayer funded orgies literally. Black and White prostitutes were hired, whiskey flowed and sex acts followed as black clergy were trained in leadership. Note the Red Tie Resistance now attacking Donald Trump.
What followed in the dossier is an assessment of Martin Luther King jr. having a history with his black and communist leadership of orgies, abusing women in worse than Weinstein escapades, and the revelation that the godfather of Obama politics, had a bastard daughter in California from an affair there with the wife of a prominent Black dentist, and that King was in 1968 having three simultaneous affairs, one with American folk singer Joan Baez.
In early December, 1966, it was determined that King's organization was about to participate in a four million dollar loan from the Federal Housing Administration because of SCLC's involvement in a slum clearance program in Chicago, Illinois. Under existing Government regulations SCLC would share in the ten per cent profit allowed, or $400,000. Levison made available $12,500 of his own money so that the SCLC could participate in this program and share in the profits.
With the funds that he received from the Ford Foundation, King held the first of two workshops in Miami, Florida in February, 1968, to train Negro ministers in urban leadership. One Negro minister in attendance later expressed his disgust with the behind the scene drinking, fornication and homosexuality that went on at the conference. Several Negro and white prostitutes were brought in from the Miami area. An all night sex orgy was held with these prostitutes and some of the delegates in attendance.
One room had a large table in it which was filled with whiskey. The two Negro prostitutes were paid $50.00 to put on a sex show for the entertainment of the guests. A variety of sex acts deviating from the normal were observed.
This activity is not new to King and his associates. As early as January 1964, King engaged in another, two day, drunken sex orgy in Washington, DC. Many of those present engaged in sexual acts, natural as well as unnatural, for the entertainment of onlookers. When one of females shied away from engaging in an unnatural act, King and other of the males present discussed how she was to be taught and initiated in the respect.
Throughout the ensuing years and until this date King has continued to carry on his sexual aberrations secretly while holding himselt out to public view as a moral leader of religious conviction.
It was learned in February, 1968, from a very responsible Los Angeles individual in a position to know, that King has been having an illicit love affair with the wife of a prominent Negro dentist in Los Angeles, California, since 1962. He believes King fathered a baby girl born this this woman in as much as her husband is allegedly sterile.
The indididual who reported this himself a prominent Negro who is related by law to King's mistress. He advised he has known King since 1960 and refers to him as a "hypocrite". He also reported that King is having an illicit love affairs with three other women, one of whom is Joan Baez, the nationally known folk singer. The prominent Negro who furnished the information said he was so appaled that a man of King's low character could cause so much trouble for both Negroes and the Government.
Those are the realities of Martin Luther King jr. As one can discern from the above, Martin Luther King jr. was becoming a huge problem for the American left and right. He was Nazi tapped into government funding and soon to become a self sustaining political force of Marxism in America. Black America would be ruined and in riot as the community melted down if the facts appeared about what a debaucherous American hating traitor King was.
The right did not want him blowing up the 1968 presidential elections, and the left knew him to be a disaster for their establishment interests. While this is not in the dossier or mentioned, but could you imagine the revolution which would have set off if Bobby Kennedy had chosen Martin King as his running mate? This would have been regime by riot an revolution as these Soviet backed peace marches were working with great effect with American sympathizers on the left.
The point in this, is Martin King was not an innocent in this and it is understandable why the establishment powers neutralized him, removed RFK and returned the electoral process to Nixon and Humphrey for the status quo.
In reviewing this troubling file, one understands the powers that be, simply dusted off the King file from the Soviet era and made Barack Obama the cookie cutter communist replacement, as America was ready for rationed death then.
This is the official file and the factual file on Martin Luther King jr., the fiction as great as Barack Hussein Obama jr., and the fallacy of a Marxist deviant who has an official day honoring him. His unAmerican activities were undertaken deliberately during the Cold War in acts which were high treason. America though promotes the propaganda of Martin King jr as much as the catharsis of Barack Hussein Obama installed illegally twice as President, the same Obama now engaged in with these same Marxist elements in taking down President Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton for 2020, as the Obama machine remains quiet to install their choice as President to rule America in more rationed death.
That is the story of the Paint it Black Revolution in America and it has just begun it's genocide on all races in America.
Nuff Said