Monday, November 6, 2017

How many Guns did Devin Kelley really have?

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

We are getting nothing but Las Vegas Massacre conflicting accounts now out of Texas and the death of Devin Kelley, and that is troublesome, as in the British press Kelley is shot, bleeds out and dies in his vehicle, but in the Texas account he shoots himself, which is rather odd, as he shot himself with only the two Texans in pursuit (Police were 5 minutes away) and then crashed his vehicle.

Authorities say that evidence at the scene leads them to believe that Kelley died of a self-inflicted gunshot wound after he crashed his car. He had been chased by armed bystanders.

As we were informed that Kelley dropped his Ruger AR 15 at the Church when shot by the Heroic Texans, the question the Lame Cherry is demanding is WHERE ARE THESE GUNS COMING FROM in who straw walked them into Kelley's possession, as he could not pass a BATFE form to purchase guns in being a convicted felon and a wife beater.

Devin Patrick Kelley -

Before he killed 26 people, Devin Kelley was sentenced to confinement and discharged from the military. ... When Kelley exited the church, he dropped his rifle, ...

You will notice in this, that law enforcement after stating what the first gun was, as there was a photo online, so they were forced to admit this was a Ruger, and it had to be a 308 as Kelley was shooting through people and hitting other people, in order to attempt to hit that many Christians, but having been in these small Churches it is not like they are all in the baptismal pool. They are evenly spread out in pews. That is what does not make any sense in this, in all buildings have exit and entry by law, so how were all of these people bunched up together, unless Kelley put them into a group and opened fire.......again we were told that Kelley entered the Church and opened fire.......again that does not add up to what the realities are as this Church had 50 in the Congregation we were told, and Kelley nailed 46. That is an incredible rate considering the Preacher and his wife were away, so Devin Kelley was scoring 100% kill rate?
That is an impossible scenario due to odds of hit and miss.

Devin Patrick Kelley -

Before he killed 26 people, Devin Kelley was sentenced to confinement and discharged from the military. ... When Kelley exited the church, he dropped his rifle, ...
Ok in the new scenario, Devin Kelley has two weapons. We know one is a Ruger. What is the other weapon?
More importantly as in the first Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter, WHO OBTAINED THESE WEAPONS FOR KELLEY and why is law enforcement allowing a media diversion in this?

Who was it? Stephen Paddock who sold him the guns? I doubt that, but when the public is being fed multiple stories which appear to have the deep state not wanting people to know how Kelley got these guns in the person was connected and does not want you realizing that two Texas ran off and killed a mass murderer, the situation in this is building nothing but distrust, as why is law enforcement not forthcoming. The only people who have been telling anyone anything is the Texas Rangers, the real ones, not the Bush baseball team.

...and as far as the official announcement out of Texas that this was not religious or racially motivated, and just a domestic dispute.......

If one checks the gun photo, the baby that Kelley is holding is only part white. I happened upon  a photo of his inlaws and screen grabbed it, and you can see the father in law appears is only part white.
So this concludes there is a bi racial situation where this murderer was beating on his plantation property, and they rose up and stopped it, and in return he retaliated after the ruse of being a Christian did not fly with them.

We are not being told the motives, what is really involved and who supplied these weapons.

Kelley married his second wife, Danielle Shields Kelley, in 2014 (he split from his first wife, Tessa, in 2012), according to Danielle’s Facebook page.

Ben and Michelle Shields got married in 2011, according to a post on Michelle Shields’ Facebook page. She often posts messages about Ben, calling him the “love of her life,” and “[her] sweetheart.”

As Devin Kelley did not marry a two year old who produced a baby, there is a great deal of ethnicity and baby's daddy being hidden in this.
Kelley appears to have picked on low self esteem women and he became violent. All of this factored into the mass shooting, and once again, who in this group had contacts that perhaps Devin Kelley used to obtain these firearms.

Nuff Said

