Monday, November 6, 2017

Meghan McCain: When No Conscious Man Wants You Ever

 Hi, I am Meghan McCain and if you need an elephant
to lift your fat ass off the ground, this is your guide to
getting cock.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.


This is not the kind of cock you want,
but the frumper girl is always ready for the real thing.
I recommend 200 pumps on the olde rubber rooster
to keep your forearm in shape, as a good grip, keeps your
man from running away.

 Always wear tight clothes to show off your fatty. Men will think
you are too slow to catch them. Use all you have in deception, so when you 
pounce you grab hold of that cock and anchor them with your 280 pounds

Have your father, introduce you to around in prisons as
his cocksucking hosebag daughter who laid the 7th fleet, twice!!!!

Pose for lots of pictures with your parents with the caption
"My parents have cancer and are about to die 
and leave me their fortune of millions of dollars".


 Pose with whores as the men will look at them distracted
and then you can pounce on their cocks.

 Always bring along a gallon of booze to get your quarry drunk.
Remember use glass bottles only, as you may have to hit them unconscious
as some of us no amount of booze will generate an erection.


 Finally, do not set your sights too high. Midgets, Mexicans and males with
IQ's like toothpaste are all acceptable. 
