Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Russian Trolls only affect American Liberals

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The Lame Cherry is not going to waste a great deal of time on this Russian Trolling - Hacking false narrative as each of you reading this, has been bombarded by thee best disinformation campaign, from Tavistock and Standford to condition you to be sodomite advocates, and none of you have succumbed to being brainwashed, although you have been desensitized to the point your grandchildren are not being corrected in this new acceptance of violating God's Law.

Al Franken from Minnesota who stole the election with help from Bush Obama from Jewish Conservative Norm Coleman made this point to Facebook, Twitter and Google.

Pay attention to this as the Lame Cherry will make the point at the end.

Sen. Al Franken (D-Minn.) also took aim at Facebook.
“How did Facebook, which prides itself on being able to process billions of data points and instantly transform them into personal connections for its user[s], somehow not make the connection that electoral ads — paid for in rubles — were coming from Russia?" he said. "Those are two data points: American political ads and Russian money, rubles. How could you not connect those two dots?”
In a sign of how seriously the companies are taking this week's hearings, Facebook, Twitter and Google all included in their testimony new disclosures about the extent of Russian activity on their sites. Facebook said up to 126 million people — a figure that represents nearly 40 percent of the U.S. population — viewed posts planted by the Internet Research Agency, a St. Petersburg, Russia-based troll farm

If you examine what Facebook has stated, it is a fact that Donald Trump won the election and the Russian propaganda had absolutely no effect on the election.

Now look at this headline:

Trump supporters in rural Iowa are not changing their minds ...

They're Trump-strong in rural Iowa — and not changing their minds. ... Donald Trump thanks supporters after ... you won't change any minds.

So none of the Russian posts have done a thing in changing Trump voter minds. Each of you have made up your mind on the facts of Trump's actions and inactions, not Facebook.

Who though has been affected in the after the election brainwashing, causing them to go even more psycho?


Remember Harvey Weinstein's nasty girl?


How about Mad Maxy Waters?

How about Jimmy the weeper Kimmel?

If one examines this, there is a pattern. The voters who respond to Russian propaganda trolls are the very liberals who are around Harvey Weinstein, believe fake dossier's on Donald Trump and cuddle up with Kevin Spacey.

The Conservative mind is absolutely unaffected by propaganda. They have resisted satan for years and have the will power in Christ to fend off disinformation. The key to this though is the liberals, as they are the ones who are driven even further insane from what they see, read and hear.

 I have a solution.

Yes, we just put bags on the heads of all liberals and that way they won't be able to get online and be brainwashed by all of this.

Liberals are the problem. Not Christian Conservatives.

Nuff Said
