Saturday, November 4, 2017

SHYCOCK: The Harvey Weinstein Files

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

We now exist in a world where rich oversexed Jews who have sex with women, who ban other women are lynched in the press  and hounded by the police. Such is the case of Harvey Weinstein in these ludicrous charges being leveled at him by these weak, money whoring women, who now want their pound of foreskin.

The case now under investigation is as ludicrous as 99% of the cases againt Shycock Weinstein, because that is what we have here in reality is the Merchant of Venice, where a bunch of pissed off Venicians who got bested by a Jew, used the Italian courts against that Jew to steal everything that bastard had.

We have a case of a Lolita who was drunk, allowed Weinstein to take her home, where Weinstein undressed her. pushed her down and had sex with her on a bed. She called him a pig afterwards.
Next, we have Weinstein phoning up Lolita, her meeting him in a hotel lobby, they both going up to her room again, where she claims rape took place.

Frankly after witnessing the photos of this woman, I would think Weinstein would be the one filing charges as dude looks like a lady, but there is no accounting for chocolate induced erections. Yes Harvey Weinstein is on record in consuming volumes of sugar and chocolate before having sex to charge him up. Chocolate is a aphrodisiac, and in Shycock's case, he appears to be super susceptible to the Hershey.
Now with the Lame Cherry posting that, you just wait until Gloria Alred, Ashley Judd or Harvey Weinstein files a suit against Hershey for millions in their chocolate made Shycock do it.
Be a grande defense for Shycock.

The only instance I ever found a believable attack by Weinstein is a British actress who starred in numbers of dramas like Dromby and Son by Charles Dickens. Sorry I can not remember her name, but once again it is she said and he is not saying anything, and there is a matter of evidence in this, and that includes New York lynchings of Jews.

What we have before us now are the peodphile ring, desperately trying to knock Kevin Spacey and their child rapists out of the news, and that means going after Harvey Weinstein hard. Shycock's salvation is the promotion of the Spacey multiple child rapes, and forcing Jeff Sessions to file federal charges against Spacey, as there actually is evidence in the Spacey cases of molestation of children and numerous eyewitnesses at the Old Vic, movies and Netflix, who have recorded what a piece of deviancy Kevin Spacey is.


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While Weinstein has denied all charges by his accusers. Kevin Spacey immediately went underground, first going to bay as a gay man for cover which infuriated sodomites, then going for rehab, and then denying he was raping little boys as the stories continued to pile up. Weinstein is a man who believes he did no wrong in chasing a woman until she quit while Spacey is a man who by actions ran for cover as he knew he was as guilty of abuse as his pedophile parent was.

All of this abuse was protected by the police state, which is owned by the Hollywood industry, which donates to liberal politicians. No one has yet asked what Tom Hanks, Meryl Streep and Leonardo DiCaprio knew about their good friend Kevin Spacey, while the array of accusers for Shycock Weinstein have lined up for the electronic stand to destroy him.

Why is New York PD not investigating the pedophile crimes of Kevin Spacey but reaching for straws in the weakest of cases against Shycock Weinstein? Why is it Jeff Sessions and Mayor DeBlasio are protecting child rapists in America?

In looking at the future of Harvey Weinstein, he is rich, so he will fight this. His attorneys will shred his accusers as unbalanced, scornful females, whose every actions declared YES and often a repeated YES after he is said to have raped them, women kept meeting with him alone and some dated him.
Shycock will find a dozen women to put on stand who say they liked Harvey, had sex with him and they liked his nature of pursuit.
Even if railroaded to a conviction, Shycock would probably get probation or more treatment.

I still want to know who either came onto Harvey Weinstein and he turned them down, who Harvey diddled and they changed their mind, or who Harvey Weinstein did not help in her career. and those people are now in power and their resources are going after Harvey Weinstein, as this is all about empowering women now.

Gee who in the White House has that as their mantra, and never could make the leap from model to actress on the silver screen in a Weinstein production?
You do remember a Mr. President who said off the cuff that he was not surprised by Weinstein at all.

Why is Ivanka Trump Kushner not protecting children and going after pedophiles?
