Friday, November 3, 2017

Stephen Paddock's Food Service Cart

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I am most interested in surfing the internet when it comes to Stephen Paddock, as it was noted his photos do not appear associated with his name in search engines and how it is the foreign press where disinformation is being plied, in the chief surrogate of brainwashing is the British Press, remember Theresa May interfering with US politics in calling for gun control? But there was another source in the Australian press which caught my attention as they had a photo of the infamous food service cart, complete with cord running under the door  of the Paddock rooms.

Footage of Paddock's planned out surveillance also emerged. He set up a camera on what appeared to be a room service cart in the hotel hallway.
A cord can be seen running out from under a dirty dish and down under a hotel room door.
The surveillance was set up to warn him when police were getting close.
I made certain the page was archived, so it will not disappear, as it speaks to everything this blog has been posting that none of the Stephen Paddock or Jesus Campos story makes any sense, which the authorities keep changing and then vouching for.

Remember this blog's exclusive in one of the job mandates of an MGM security guard was  to always CHECK MAID CARTS. As one can witness from the above photo of the infamous service cart of Stephen Paddock all undercover in the corridor, one can understand how big it was, and how noticeable it is, and how IN THE WAY IT IS.

One can see the cubbies which were noted that Jesus Campos is supposed to have hidden in as the elevators and stairs apparently are all recessed also. There are not any bullet holes in this door. So that concludes the camera is pointed down the hallway at the other adjoining door to the two rooms that Paddock was renting.

Is it not strange in a bare hallway, where only a service cart is setting, that neither of the eyewitnesses mentioned this cart? Think about it, if bullets are striking you, or you are being fired at, would not your story be a reference point in, "Yeah I was being shot at from where that cart was", and yet this cart is never mentioned.

This evolves to a more odd nature as Campos is supposed to be a security guard who checks carts. He is supposed to be on the 32nd floor checking an open door alarm. Would you as a security guard be at least on a higher level of alert in this in something not being quite right, after you try to walk up the stairs and the door is blocked, you have to walk down a flight, take up an elevator to the 32nd floor and as you are walking down this corridor, there is this food service cart, but things are not quite right with it, as a HUGE METAL COVERING TOP of a place is on the floor, and happens to have a camera under it, with an electrical cord running out of it, and under the door of the room.
Yes this blog is making a point as if you are working security and things are not appearing normal, and the only thing in the way is a huge cart with a bright shiny cover on the floor where it is not supposed to be, your attention would be diverted to it, and you would immediately notice something was against hotel policy in this, and more than a guard leaving a cover on the floor where someone like Stephen Paddock can trip and sue the hotel for millions again, and you lose your job for not doing your job.

The original story the public was told was the camera was hidden on the food service cart. If you study this, the camera was on the floor, out in front of the cart in the most obvious of places in Paddock did not even put it under the cart to disguise it.
Progress this out, in you have SWAT working on the other door and no one notices a cart where a shooter is supposed to be active, and no one says, "Maybe we should check that out in case a bomb is there as that is protocol", and that is what was taking place in Las Vegas a car was checked for a bomb and cleared.

So SWAT is allowing this camera to show Stephen Paddock exactly what they are doing in the hallway, making themselves a target and giving information to Paddock.
This is why these narratives from top to bottom do not make sense. Everything from the bullet casings to Jesus Campos to this cover on the floor all present themselves as a staged scene that law enforcement was supposed to notice to set a scenario, which Las Vegas police after did notice, but Jesus Campos  did not notice a camera under a blinding chrome plate top with a cord running under the hotel door.

On the cart appear three clean plates and two water bottles. There  is another service type tray, a spoon is visible by some desert or soup, and across the table it appears to be fork and knife by the plates, as if two people were in that room, and on opposite sides of the cart. The smaller plate is untouched as if someone had desert ordered for them and they did not eat it.

It begins to reveal why the authorities stopped having news conferences and stopped disseminating information, because what was leaked to brainwash the public to a narrative of a lone brilliant wolf, instead produces these glaring anomalies which inquiring minds are saying, "Wait a minute that does not make sense".

The first information the public was conditioned with was this starring food service cart, and upon examination the question leaps out, "How is it Campos and SWAT did not notice it and more to the point why was this cart not neutralized", as no one noticed it.
Then there is the appearance that this was set up for two people. Who is this second person as the FBI cover story of Paddock "talking to no one inn the room while ordering room service is suspect as all of the narrative.

But now for something entertaining in whatever could this have to do with a service cart.

House Of Flying Daggers - Beauty Song Dance || My ... - YouTube

The film is set in 859 AD. The once great Tang Dynasty is now in decline. Numerous rebel groups have formed, the largest of which is the House of Flying ...

 After the Beauty Song Dance what more needs to be said.
