As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
As the New York Times is featuring the forces, the coven, the witchcraft as the emerging religion of America, there is a warning which requires stating again to all.
When America chose the false messiah of the Birther and the events of his sacrifice of June 13, 2013 AD in the year of our Lord, to be replaced by the image, this manifestation of replacing Christ, for the cults moon, shapes, demon and forces, there is now a manifestation of all that is of the Adversary upon the broad road of destruction.
There are three forces:
The Universe of this dimension - witchcraft
anti God - satan
God produces life. witchcraft is of equal and opposite life death cycle. satan is fed by consumptive.
Here is a quote:
If you’re not ready to admit that the universe is chaos, I’m not sure how far you’re going to go,” Bracciale said to the class, describing witchcraft as a way to exercise power in a world without transcendent moral rules, a supernatural technology for taking care of yourself when no one else will. Witchcraft, Bracciale said, lets you be the “arbiter of your own justice.”I suspect that this assumption of chaos — the sense that institutions have failed and no one is in charge — helps explain the well-documented resurgence of occultism among millennials. Attempts at spell-casting are obviously not unique to today’s young people; the Washington writer and hostess Sally Quinn just published a book in which she boasts about hexing the renowned magazine editor Clay Felker, my former journalism professor, before his death from cancer.
This is now the practice in America. Practice as defined by repetition as it wears a psychic groove, eroding Spiritual nature for the nature of nature, all as a reflection of the death cycle.
Enact the universe of power and it requires fuel or life to promote that energy of that will to bring into being the desire. It is like a rocket burning to the skies, but it can not burn forever, for it expends itself and then it begins to fall back to earth in death.
This Sally Quinn has taken life energy and brought the consumption of cancer to an unprotected in Christ with the curse, and has initiated death.
Clay Felker is still an energy source no matter his place in Heaven or hell. That blood still is a debt and no matter the protection this Quinn as a tool of satan's consumption, the debt will come due. satan's consumption does not consume one involved in anti God ministrations as long as she is a tool of the consumption. Let her step out and try to change and satan will be there as will all the universe waiting for that debt which is multiplying. Upon the last breath, satan will collect that soul, in Eye for Eye, Death for Death.
These slackers who think they can keep God on a shelf, that they can decide and not Jesus the Way, the Truth and the Life as they journey down to sodom have created seared spiritual race of degenerates, ignorant and consumed in their chosen ignorance. They have spawned offspring of darkness who are attracted to darkness. That darkness is the occult in witchcraft and satan.
This darkness rewards and makes things easy as the Christian must fight and suffer in being assaulted by satan and his minions of darkness sending a poison charge of death throughout all society and culture.
Observe America and the West, they are the curses to the last detail of Deuteronomy 28. The organism of the leviathan of this world has bound once free peoples in God who are now free to the license of self destruction in rebellion against God, or sin.
The practice of deviating from God, begins with the soul, the becomes a national sin, and it is now a majority in opposition to God allied with those in allegiance to the anti God forces of universe and adversary.
So it is understood, national death follows in this wake. A great wave of evil was created, sent out, energized and in time it will return as there is not enough death in aborticide, sodomy, murder, rape, pedophilia and all of nature to hold back it's consumptive return.
As it was written here in 2016, the election of Donald Trump was about lessening that blow when it does arrive. The actions of this past year by decisions from the leadership has eroded all protections. The Christian who made Covenant with God in proving they chose an America again in God's Design has recorded this before God and have Mercy as long as they continue Faithful. The remainder and those who have proven to be choked out this past year as weeds of disappointment and despair had them choose to give up in the virtues they claimed, have now the inheritance of this world in what is set in motion.
Stay with Christ or return to Christ, for in giving up the life here, there is a Life eternal there with Christ. Do not expect God to bless this nation or people. Do not expect the way to be easy Christians as Christ's Light in you makes you a target for all this darkness which envelopes the land.
That which was driven from the West at the founding of the Israelite exiles of the Lost 10 Tribes, has now been nurtured to the reckoning of Judgment in all of this evil which surpasses sodom and the cities of the plain.
There will not be a national revival. There will be God's Wrath at this abomination and apostasy.
Those actions taken, brings multiplied reactions in penalties or rewards.
Psalm 14:1
The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God. They are corrupt, they have done abominable works, there is none that doeth good.