Thursday, December 28, 2017

Can there be a better resume than being written off by Steve Bannon?

Sapper in the Wire

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Since when is this DIA minder named Steve Bannon, who was so cuck or submissive that he could not handle Jared and Ivanka Kushner, become the tablets written in stone in who is Republican and defining who is a Republican?

Look at this Cracker Cruncher named Oliver Darcy, ragging on Judge Roy Moore and Paul Nehlen, and how Steve Bannon and Breitbart have written them off.

In one tweet, Nehlen proudly revealed that he is reading "The Culture of Critique," a book about Jewish culture widely considered to be anti-semitic. In other tweets, he has used the "#ItsOkayToBeWhite" hashtag. 
The inflammatory online activity has drawn fierce scrutiny from Nehlen's critics, and beckoned the question whether Breitbart, which previously published highly supportive coverage of his candidacy, still supported him. 
When Nehlen challenged Ryan during the 2016 Republican primary, Breitbart dispatched Mathew Boyle, one of its top writers, to Wisconsin. Throughout the race, Boyle taunted Ryan on the campaign trail with outlandishly negative stories while simultaneously writing positive articles about Nehlen. Ryan ultimately walloped Nehlen by a margin of 84% to 16%.
During the special election for the Alabama Senate seat, Nehlen endorsed far-right candidate Roy Moore, who was accused by several women of sexual misconduct, including one who alleged the incident occurred when she was just 14 years old. On the eve of that election, which Moore lost, Nehlen stumped at the same rally that Bannon spoke at.
But Breitbart and Bannon recently severed ties with Nehlen. Schwartz told CNN the decision was made earlier this month after Bannon was alerted that Nehlen had appeared on a white nationalist podcast.

Wow a world where Muslims are in outrage, Snowflakes in meltdown and Jews are going wailing wall because someone White points out they do not walk on water like Jesus. Ronald Reagan told these hecklers to shut up, and they only reason you hear about them is they are cartel funded to censor Christians.

There is no greater resume builder than to have this DIA asset in Steve Bannon who was sent in to hijack the real Resistance which joined to vote for Donald Trump, to have Bannon dissing you like Mitch McConnell,  Fag Flake or that Cancer head John McCain. This same bullshit took place when CIA agent William F. Buckley of Big Brother government, the same Obama garbage America is suffering under in the regime ordering you to shit and think on schedule, decided that the John Birchers, who have been proven absolutely correct from fluoride to the red tide, needed to be vaporized from the Reagan Republican Party.

Let us cut through this horse and bull shit in why these establishment minders do not want Christians in power, because Christians follow Jesus, not political demagogues. Christians take care of themselves and therefore there is no need for the Nazi Conglomerate Welfare State. Christians protect their children so pedophiles get hung by the neck after convictions in courts.

Paul Nehlen can post whatever he wants and whatever he deems is political speech in his running for office. The amazing thing is, no place in the Constitution does it say that the Alt Right is banned from saying what they want, living the way they decide and doing whatever make their pursuit of happiness fulfilled. They can even run for office espousing all of those things, and the amazing thing is 100% of Southern Democrats believe the same thing Paul Nehlen does, even under Bill Clinton, and it was those right wing Americans who elected George Washington. Andrew Jackson, Teddy Rooevelt and Ronald Reagan.

The fact is in historic America, it would be Steve Bannon who would be fired and Paul Nehlen is the Mr. Smith goes to Washington.

Paul Nehlen in his postings are quite inventive and part of a very adept campaign strategy. The fact is that Breitbart tried to get Nehlen elected but the shit Breitbart published was of no assistance, and Breitbart did nothing to expose the polling fraud of Paul Ryan, the same cuck  that Donald Trump refers to as his Paul, in the same Nazi's who deliberately wasted 2017 AD in the year of our Lord, to continue Obama policy and focus on Black and White genocide in this Cohn Tax  Reform, which is also targeting the 1% with the death tax confiscation.

So what is the summation of the reason Steve Bannon has joined the Sanhedrin to crucify Paul Nehlen? Paul Nehlen  reads books. Paul Nehlen says he is a Christian in speaking about His Lord Jesus and Paul Nehlen wants to fulfill the promises Donald Trump made to millions of Christian voters who elected Donald Trump by God's Grace.
In the above, Ronald Reagan read books, spoke of His Lord in Christ, and is the original promise maker and keeper.

There has been a perpetual Bush fam agenda for the cartel to obliterate the Reagan Reagan Revolution. It is now a hysteria in journalist Charles Johnson of GotNews, is now being mandated by the Senate Intelligence Committee to hand over all of his communications with anyone who may have descended from a Russian. America is now a place politically crucifying Christians and engaged in witch hunt racism against White People who may or may not have Russian heritage.
Yes Sodomites are given full police state protection. Muslim terrorists are given full police state protection, but if you an American Russia the US Senate is investigating you and if you are Paul Nehlen you are dead.

Bannon adviser: Ryan challenger Paul Nehlen is 'dead to us'

I was one of the founders in this. I was there when the Obama Biden machine made a political prisoner of Lawrence Sinclair. You may have forgotten, but I promised I would not. I was part of the Obama resistance in my Yahoo mail was censored, I was tracked, I was hunted and I was stalked, like others were in this and from this resistance when all the Mark Levin's were scared shitless to call Obama a marxist, there were the founders who stood up and  took the beach, to found the Tea Party, to keep moving forward, to progress the movement to Reince Priebus trying to hijack the Christians, the Mercers in Ted Cruz trying to manipulate this movement and Donald Trump being the front man saying all the things to appeal to this diverse group of all races, creeds and politics as what mattered was America first.

Steve Bannon is the same bullshit of Dick Armey who tried to hijack the Tea Party. Ted Cruz was sent in being Canada born to do the same thing. That pedo Milo was sent in by Bannon to sodomize the Alt Right which was used as cover for the political storm troopers to take it to the streets against the radical left.
Bannon was sent in after Corey Lewandowski was  smeared and submarined and Paul Manafort was criminalized, to defuse the movement, in what it is now, in helping Paul Ryan against Paul Nehlen.  Sounds the mirror image of Mitch McConnell and John Kelly helping the baby butcher Doug Jones against the legitimately elected Judge Roy Moore. It is why the entire press is trying to certify Doug Jones, because they know Roy Moore can expose election fraud and this entire deep state operation gets their criminal exposure.

The question is not if Steve Bannon couldn't or wouldn't neutralize Jarvanka. You can see Bannon's fingerprints in Chris Christie going after Kusher, and now Bannon is piling on, as the deep state press with law enforcement is giving Kushner's finances the  anal exam, as what this blog predicted would take place is taking place, one the Kushner's have lost their value, they will be taken out by Justice in order to leverage Donald Trump.

Steve Bannon does not get to decide who is a Republican with the fraud GOPliters who are cementing Obama's 3rd term in Donald Trump.

Bannon oversaw election fraud in Alabama and did not say a word. Bannon oversaw election fraud in Wisconsin and did not say a word.

There is only one Revolution and that is the 1776 Revolution. It is not a Bannon revolution. It is not a Ryan revolution. It is not a Trump revolution. It is that Reagan Revolution which was hijacked by Bush fam and is being warred against today and will be warred against in 2018 AD in the year of our Lord.

Reached for comment, Nehlen told CNN, "Putting America First above all other nations, such as being pro-wall and for freedom of lawful speech, has brought a coordinated attack by globalists from both parties; nevertheless I will continue to stand strong against anti-American sentiment, however it manifests."

Do you keep your hands out like this to keep Ivanka's silicon nipples from 
poking you, as I almost lost an eye the other day..... 
