Thursday, December 21, 2017

Deep in the Eyes of a New York Woman

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I post this as a rather strange reality which popped up last night. I was doing a long range weather search and New York City kept popping up in the search engine.
I even got a specific address which the search engine was logging, as most of you have experienced in ads coming up on a Facebook for some insurance in your locality as Facebook tracks your ISP.

245 East 11th Street, New York City, NY

This apparently is an apartment complex in New York, and I am certain I am not in New York, nor is my laptop, so I am quite interested in who has grabbed my signal out of ATT, as I often log out of the main ATT server where all of my data is always collected for the NSA.

My internet connection registers out of the ATT main service hub in Chicago Illinois, but tonight the search engine was certain I was in an apartment building in New York. That is a most interesting spoof on ATT, especially since the NSA, Homeland and FBI are all plugged into the main ATT hub.
For this to be happening and red lights are not being set off, this would deduce this is someone inside the system which has top clearance.

I have wondered as a number of times when writing exclusives the browser in Firefox will lock up. I resort to the old CONTROL ALT DELETE keys to perform a shut down. What is most interesting in this, in I have never witnessed this in another computer is that with only ONE BROWSER OPEN to a page, I always register TWO BROWSER WINDOWS OPEN ON THE SAME WEB PAGE. It is as if this computer is running a shadow browser recording all I do, and this just might fit in an artificial intelligence is monitoring the things I write on the blog, and one of the shadow signatures is dual browsers, and the interphase at least last night was in an apartment complex in New York City, where ATT out of Chicago was logging my ISP out of New York.

Just one of those interesting anomalies which keep popping up in creating this blog. I just know it would be cheaper for the powers that be to make the big donation, where I would get our place, build a fish pond and go fishing. I would think that it would be more entertaining in looking at Ivanka Kushner massaging her breasts as Jared bangs on his bongos like chimpanzee, but I seem to be the only one who has batshit like this happening.

I was watching our DVD player open and close the other night. That never happens. How about as speaker that automatically changed to Wifi pick up from analog which happened tonight too.

It's the spiders in the wire, like when I fire up this laptop, the digital signal on the television goes checkerboard square.

Oh well, time to go brush my teeth as I truly am the most interesting person on the planet. Maybe I should get an agent and sell wine or something for 3 million dollars a commercial. Then I would go off the grid and the drones could just spy on me.

Oh I forgot to tell you about that. About a month ago on our walk, TL and I looked up and there was this perfect white plane flying. It made absolutely no sound. It was Global Hawk flying slowly across the sky. Probably the FBI's stingray surveillance grabbing up every person's cell phones.

Always is something interesting.

Ok time to brush teeth.

Oh hell no wonder that stalker thought I was a PR firm in New York. That is the ISP spoofer signal  being recorded. Crap I probably should not have posted that, as that eliminates one place the cranks think I am at. Knowing them, they will think this was some psyops that I thought up to throw them off the trail.

Nuff Said
