Tuesday, December 26, 2017

In Russiagate, There is a reason you do not tell women anything

Mary Jacoby

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I remember the great actor Ron Silver at the Clinton inauguration furious that military jets were flying over, until it dawned on him that those jets were "now our jets" as Clinton was in control.  In every turn of this Obama Clinton Russiagate fiasco, we witness time and again these leftist kooks from John Brennen to Bruce Ohr, hating law enforcement, until they were informed that they were the police state, and then every action in their mind placed them above the law.

Two examples of this are the Pissgate Dossier in all of it's fraud and they both include these leftist women, who got involved in something and then could not keep their mouths shut about it.
The first was Fusion GPS's wife, in Mary Jacoby who wrote with her husband at the Rupert Murdoch Wall Street Journal. Jacoby simply could not keep her mouth shut and posted on social media the following quote about her husband's role in creating the fake Pissgate.

It’s come to my attention that some people still don’t realize what Glenn’s role was in exposing Putin’s control of Donald Trump.
Let’s be clear. Glenn conducted the investigation. Glenn hired Chris Steele. Chris Steele worked for Glenn.”

To understand this, all of these people bit on this British intelligence operation which came at them from a half dozen known sources. Jacoby honestly believed the contents of this idiot document, just as Andrew McCabe still swears it is legitimate............but when asked by Senators under oath which parts were verified and real, McCabe could not name one thing which was verified.
Jacoby in legal context posted for the world to witness that her husband was behind this. He hired British MI6 and Steele was an employee of her husband illegally digging up dirt on Donald Trump for the Clinton campaign, which became WEAPONIZED when John Podesta and John McCain handed it off to the FBI, where Peter Strzok, another person with a too chatty woman in texts, took this fraud document and acquired court ordered spying on Donald Trump and his staff to overthrow the 2016 elections as this groups insurance policy.

While Mary Jacoby is pointing her fingers at her husband attempting to overthrow the United States Government, it was her husband who hired for all intensive purposes someone who looks like a KGB spy in Nellie Hauke Ohr, the wife of Bruce Ohr, who was meeting with Fusion GPS to work out how they could stop Donald Trump from being President after he  was elected by thee American People.

This Hauke Ohr is like the Lee Harvey Oswald of skirts. She was in Soviet Russia when no one got in or out of Soviet Russia. She was traveling around in Russia, when no one went out of any city without a special travel visa.
Those kinds of things should send off red flags in US intelligence, because when Nellie Ohr was not arrested by the KGB for being a US spy, it would mean she was assisting the Soviet regime against the United States, which again begs the question, what the hell was this woman during HW Bush's tenure roaming around behind the Iron Curtain and not setting off any red flags?
How does a woman like this an asset of Soviet communists, then marry a man named Bruce Ohr who was the 4th most powerful man in the Department of Justice under Rob Rosenstein, and no one at FBI or Justice says in the background check, "What the hell are we allowing Bruce Ohr anywhere near classified intelligence in who he is married to?"

Nellie Hauke Ohr

As one can read from the quote below, Nellie Hauke Ohr was carte blanche behind the Iron Curtain and the communists were doing special favors for her. This is the same woman who in pillow talk was telling her powerful husband all of the Pissgate Dossier as if it were all factual, which set her husband off to join the criminal coup against Donald Trump. These nuts all thought that Donald Trump was an operative of Vladimir Putin, by what Nellie Ohr was translating. It was like a verbal cancer spreading through them and it metastasized to all of these women doing in their husbands or sex partners.

She was there in 1989, as Cathy Frierson noted in Adventures in Russian Historical Research Reminiscences of American Scholars from the Cold War to the Present. "Only rarely did I go to the Lenin Library," Frierson recalled, "but one day there I had a fortuitous meeting with Nellie Hauke Ohr. She told me she had just returned from Smolensk, where she enjoyed remarkable access in the region archive to materials related to the collectivization campaign."

According to the author, "Nellie encouraged me to call the Smolensk archive director, assuring me that he would welcome me." So even before the fall of the USSR, Nellie held clout with government officials and could write about Russia with authority.

There are facts which have emerged in this which are True. The fact is Theresa May of MI6 built this dossier. The fact is that this dossier sourced from anti Putin sources from the Baltic states, Ukraine and inside Russia. This dossier was fed through a number of sources into America.

John Brennen.
Bruce Ohr
James Comey
John McCain
John Podesta
Nellie Hauke Ohr
Mary Jacoby
Samantha Power
Evelyn Farkas
Susan Rice
John Kerry

And this fake dossier, after it had been fed to the above, ended up on image Obama's Oval Office Desk, where it was weaponized by Val-erie Jarrett and Michelle Obama, and was being leaked to Kurt Eichenwald, Joe Scarborough and democrats in Congress who were all drooling over this document and engaging in criminal activities.

Remember this all began with sodomite billionaire Paul Singer, who is still joined that the hip with Katie Walsh, funding this for Marco Rubio, so Rubio could buy his way onto the Jeb Bush vice presidential ticket. It then moved on to become funded and embedded into the Hillary Clinton campaign, as it was infused into the Obama regime where it's release was a criminal act.

We know that Mary Jacoby and Nellie Ohr could not keep their mouths shut, nor could any of the others who were chosen. What we still do not know in this, is who else was fed this document, as if it made it's hands into Evelyn Farcas' sphere, this thing was running in multiple prints all over the Obama regime, the #NeverTrumpers led by Bill Kristol, the US military and the American government.

Those involved in this, were involved in a conspiracy against the United States. It was by design in utilizing key anti Putin assets, to first install Jeb Bush as the GOP nominee and later as the Obama  regime weaponized the fake dossier to overthrow the US elections and after Mr. Trump prevailed, to bring down Donald Trump, as the glaring reality of this is, Robert Mueller and his lynch mob all still believe this dossier was factual when all of these patsies were played like Lee Harvey Oswald in his interesting sojourn in Soviet Russia and melding with CIA operations in America.

Those are the realities of this, in these women were accomplished, had power, had wealth, had standing, and it was not enough. They each wanted credit and were moving behind the scenes to undo the American elections, via their husbands.

Nuff Said
