As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
After the crappy day I was having, I was laughing this afternoon when the Lame Cherry made the top headlines on Liberty Daily in blocking Matt Drudge's anti Christian site, the Drudge Report, as what Matt Drudge engaged in against Christian Roy Moore was as sinister as what is engaged in the State of Israel where Christian visitors with money are welcome, but don't you ever dare to take up residence.
Matt Drudge is just fine with Christians as long as those Christians are pushing the homosexual agenda. Roy Moore was pure Gospel and Law, and for that Matt Drudge joined in the criminal smear campaign in fixing the elections against Christians in Alabama.
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- Blogger Following Alabama Election: ‘Done With Matt Drudge,’ Will Replace With ‘The Liberty Daily’
Yes the Lame Cherry is the blogger linked to above and each of you has to make the decision in are you going to continue to support the anti Christian Drudge Report or are you going to have your media links served by another source. There are few sources for information to daily links, and fortunately the best which is more in depth than Drudge is Liberty Daily.
I have no connection with these people and I have no idea who they are. TL is the one who happened to see the site mentioned on a thread on the Free Republic yesterday and on visiting Liberty Daily, I was impressed and made the move.
I will never, ever visit Drudge Report again. What this user of Christians did in making a fortune off of them and then going Blood Libel on them in taking out the innocent Judge Roy Moore is simply heinous. Think of what Matt Drudge engaged in, he joined in framing an innocent man. How would you like to be the next Roy Moore, as this group which arrayed itself against Roy Moore is going to be paying loony women who will say you molested them as a child.
I am not going to profit Matt Drudge one visit. It is time to put your traffic on Liberty Daily just as I only use Duck Duck Go for searches.
All it takes is clicking on real Christian and Conservative link, then clicking bookmarks and putting it into your tool bar for fast access. Then just get into the habit of clicking on those pages for your information. I am not getting anything out of this and have no connection to Liberty Daily as I stated, but I am going to remind people to get off the Christian hating sites like Matt Drudge.
I will not get into bed with the slimy Jeff Flake, Lindsey Graham, John McCain, Mitch McConnell. It is time someone started asking why Donald Trump rolled over on Twitter so fast and embraced the Al Franken of Alabama with all of this election fraud against the innocent Christian, Judge Roy Moore.
If you are paying attention you are finding out quickly who are the Christian haters in America. It is time to pay attention as these anti Christian sites and propagandists started with Roy Moore and will end with you.
Nuff Said