Thursday, January 4, 2018

The American Colonlist Under Donald Trump

Dancing Bear, Mr. Moose, Mr. Green Jeans, Bunny Rabbit
and that anti gun prick Captain Kangaroo

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

There is a talking point of Donald Trump being nuts or incapacitated mentally for his removal. The following photo on New Years Eve settles the point in Donald Trump is sane as anyone. One can deduce that by his expression that he is in full capacity of his faculties.

The issue is not if Donald Trump is nuts. The issue is those around him are they good for America.

I see nothing but schemers like Mike Pence, plotters like Junta Kelly, manipulators like Jael Kushner, self serving trolls like Jared Kushner, to the caste of Mad Dong Mattis and Rex Tillerson, who have provided zero leadership, Nikki Haley who suffers from perpetual PMS and Herbert McMaster who has not found a conflict he does not desire to escalate to nuclear warfare. It is this group which is the presidency which is the concern.

In all of this, Donald Trump does not have one Mike Deaver as Ronald Reagan did, not one Henry Kissinger as Richard Nixon did, not one Harold Brown as Jimmy Carter did, not one James Baker as H W Bush had, not one Dick Cheney as W Bush did and not one Leon Panetta as Bill Clinton did. A presidency requires responsible and loyal staff, and except for Ryan Zinke, there is absolutely no one in the Trump White House who is doing what Donald Trump was elected on.
There is not a Tip O'Neill as Ronald Reagan had and there is not a Newt Gingrich as Bill Clinton had in Congress. What America has devolved into is their corporate business charter, and the US Corporation is comprised of chair sitters, who are either insolent, incompetent or in between trying to cover up their crimes or hoping Robert Mueller gets the President before he gets them.

The Trump Presidency can not succeed with a caste like this which are serving conglomerates and not America. The issue is no longer life, liberty and happiness for Americans, but a voided Constitution where the entity, the tax entity of the corporation is what is being serviced and protected above the Citizen.
That is the fact in America, in America does have a ruling class above the law, but it is nothing alive. It is a piece of paper which entitles a corporation to human status, as a King George over the colonist.

Donald Trump can tout his "did list", but the list which was important was peace with Russia, so that 95 million non working Americans would have jobs and not more imported foreigners. The ending of looting of Americans by Obama taxes and rationed death Obamacare did not happen and will not happen.
There simply can not be a recovery for America under what Donald Trump squandered in 2017 AD deliberately.

If one is an economic rapist and serving  that sector, you will prosper in the Trumpflation robbing the rest of America to oblivion. The one issue which Ronald Reagan focused on was ending inflation and succeeded. The one issue Donald Trump focused on was  a cheap dollar and he succeeded, and America is withering under that policy which increases prices for Americans and cheapens what Americans still export, robbing Americans on both ends of the deal.

Donald Trump is an effective President. He is having the wrong effect on Americans though who voted for him. That does not mean that Donald Trump is anti American. It simply means that Donald Trump is servicing the same moneychanger economy concentrating wealth and not allowing existing  Americans keep their goods or offering them any relief.
These are the exact policies which Hillary Clinton would have implemented. These are the same policies which Barack Obama rewarded Wall Street with. These are the same bubble policies of George W. Bush and Bill Clinton. In all of those years, Americans in their condition only worsened.

Donald Trump made legal a tax policy which will exist for the genocide of Americans for a generation. Bringing in Lawrence Kudlow to oversee or tinker with something which is law is not going to fix anything.

As you missed in the above Trump photo the man in the Christmas wrapping suit, here is your reward. This is a suit that can afford 750 dollars for a ticket to Mar Largo to drink eggnog, with matching green tie.

Apparently those who dress like Mr. Green Jeans from Captain Kangaroo or Mr. Haney from Green Acres had a good 2017 AD in the year of our Lord and are going to have a good 2018 AD too.

Oddly enough, Donald Trump looks a great deal like Mr. Green Jeans
