Boys, I have no problem with women calling the cops on me
as I pay them for sex, before, during and after
as I know that wallet size matters most.
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
I will never understand women as they will destroy themselves for a moment of revenge.
My brother's ex was a champion at being a bitch. When he was injured on the job and was dealing with a settlement, she told the attorney that my brother was lazy and didn't want to work. The lawyer was dumbfounded and my brother was shocked, but that is what that woman was about. She would ruin herself just to get a jab at a man she hated.
Donald Trump's White House seems to have an aversion to hiring Jared Kushner and Mike Pence wife beaters, or to me more precise, Donald Trump in Trump Trans hires men who have zero judgment on women, as having an ex husband in the White House who could open all sorts of doors, including looking wonderful on job resumes to get great jobs, these women instead would rather get a dig in at a man who is out of their lives, and they are livid that he has a great life without them.'
Dude, your problem is in bed you call out your own name.
The focus of this is a Rob Porter:
Porter, the Daily Mail previously reported, is currently in a relationship with White House Communications Director Hope Hicks and was a close ally of Donald Trump’s son-in-law Jared Kushner.
At least we can be certain of one thing, in Hope Hicks has zero taste in men, as she is always clawing on Gary Cohn, sitting on John Kelly's lap and letting Jared Kushner get handsy, while she lets a twice divorced turd look up her skirt.
Yeah that is a great judge of character the President has from Ivanka's stable.
Dude you are a fat dork, and you got a hot Marco Rubio groupie
Of course you are going to have trouble man!!!
Next up we have David Sorensen who has a real loon in an ex wife who was the abuser and she still is abusing him to getting him fired. Probably the best part in this is she worked for sweaty Marco Rubio, which reveals he has great judgment in things in skirts too.
I honestly do not know why men or women can not just be nice when there is something in it for them. It makes no sense to antagonize the ex, when they have a position that can do you some good or if you have children with them, benefit the children. Yeah divorce means you don't want to be around the other person any more, but geez it is a point of you can not create an enemy of them.
So we have 3 women, who got their ex husbands fired from their jobs. Now every man in their spheres knows what psycho bitches they are, and there is not a woman with a leg spread wide enough or a Hoover mouth tight enough to keep any man around with sense after this little episode, as every guy has got it figured that when things go bad, they will have this stalker on their ass for the rest of their lives.
There is a vast difference between abusive men or women who harm other people, and those people stand up for themselves to not be victims. Tagging them is important for the brave who do it as court records leave trails that protect innocent people from ever getting involved.
No one was in these relationships and women who take pictures of bruises without filing police reports are suspect in women who bruise themselves or who were the ones who went psycho, the husband grabbed them and kept them at bay as they tried to kick him in the nuts. 911 in that case gets the woman arrested too, so she takes pictures, never mentions them in divorce and keeps them around to nail the guy later when it matters.
I do not care about any of this, as Donald Trump got what he chose, just like that pedo promoter John Kelly can bluff he would resign over this fiasco when having no intention. If John Kelly was a real man, along with Jared Kushner and Mike Pence, they would resign as they all brought this scandal to the White House in picking males who had zero judge of character in women.
Maybe if Donald Trump had hired real Loyalists and Christians, not forgotten EVERY PERSON who backed him early, none of this would have ever happened from Robert Mueller to John Kelly running Wife Beater House.
I start my day off boys with 100 push ups, a 100 set ups
and I knock the wife around 100 minutes to keep her in line.
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