Tuesday, February 6, 2018

The Real War Criminals of World War II

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

When Germans in the summer of 1941 AD in the year of our Lord, had attempted to create a 1000 year peace by a first strike at their enemies in the east in the Soviet evil empire, which had just signed a peace pact with Imperial Japan which would attack Americans at Pearl Harbor on December 7th of that same year, the German army in October of 1941 in liberating eastern Europe from Soviet domination, with other European nations from Finland to Hungary........yes nations joined in the fight against the communist secular Jewish revolution which had a history murdering monarchs across Europe, centralized in Moscow, but while the propaganda of the holocaust is what the Ashkenaz press has brainwashed the world with, there is a worse barbarism which the communists inflicted upon the civilized world.

Here is a glimpse of what the Germans and other eastern European nations faced on the Eastern Front.

The communists trained innocent dogs to wear booby trapped bombs. This is not the entire story, as the communists first trained the dogs to look for food under tanks. The dogs once conditioned, had mines strapped to their backs with primitive wooden levers which would trip the bombs, blowing up the dogs, the tank crews and the tanks.

The communists played dead often and when the Germans would pass by, they would throw grenades at the Soldiers.

The communists used trip wires, wired to steel spikes tipped with poison, to murder German Soldiers.

The communists created the original bouncing betty mine, which would leap up when stepped on, and decapitate Soldiers.

The communist left booby trapped cigarettes and watches to blow limbs off of German Soldiers.

The communists would line trenches for hundreds of kilometers with mines, and after retreating, and the Germans would use them for cover, the  Soviets would detonate the trenches.

The communists wired an entire grid, camouflaged it, and then activated it with electricity, frying every Soldier who stepped on it.

Lastly, the communists had a flame  thrower booby  trap which was activated by a pressure panel, and burned alive any Soldier who stepped on it.

For those conditioned by the propaganda leftist Jew press which has assisted the Soviets and their communist aggression, and think the above was acceptable as it was against Germans, just remember the above is the same tactics employed against Americans in Vietnam and Iraq from bamboo spikes to IED's. This is the same tactics which the Soviets unleashed in Afghanistan in dropping exploding toys to children. 

It probably requires to be stated but Franklin Roosevelt the communist sympathizer and Stalin's friend (Stalin demanded the murder of 10 million Germans as reparations for the war and FDR laughed while Winston Churchill was disgusted by it.) that the above acts by the Soviets were all criminal, violations of the Geneva Convention, and the Soviets have never been made to answer for these war crimes.

This is the real history of World War II, and the fact is thee most brutal and inhuman crimes did not come fro the Germans. What the Japanese did to POW's and what the Russians did to everyone, including the mass rape of all German women by the Soviet "Asian" army hordes, were far worse than the Germans running slave labor camps for war production.
It requires stating again as there are those  who are unaware, that he Nazi's did not set up death camps. The photos you think you are aware of, are the result of America allied bombing which cut off food and medical supplies to the labor camps, so the prisoners in them starved, plagues erupted, and this is what the Germans were blamed for, when it was FDR and Truman produced, while the real war crimes against humanity were Stalin produced according to actual history.

Nuff Said
