As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
I have a question for you, and if you like doing this, then by all means, please donate the price of your house to the Lame Cherry, as I would like to sell you the home you already own, as that is what Donald Trump just engaged in.
There is a fiefdom in the American regime called the Civilian Marksmanship Program which is supposed to supply affordable military firearms to the American public with as little hoops and whistles as possible. Recently Congress mandated CMP to start selling the surplus Colt 1911 revolvers in the Pentagon's warehouses as it costs too much to store them.
I will quote the commies as CMP:
Due to the small number of 1911s in this initial batch the CMP can put a price premium on these guns. Many expect pricing to start around $1,000 per handgun, even for lower-grade pistols.
“One reason for this is that the 1911 is a very valuable pistol,” said CMP Marketing Manager Steve Cooper. “Even though they may be shot out or busted up, we don’t want them falling into the hands of people who will just leave them in a glove box. We want a perceived value–more of an heirloom.”
Sound all reasonable to a communist until I ask you, "WHO PAID FOR THESE GUNS ALREADY?"
The answer is your PARENTS and YOU, while you did without things like better food and clothes, because of that huge Pentagon budget. Now though CMP is going to sell busted up old guns for 1000 dollars STARTING PRICE to you the owners of these pistols.
So as you like the regime selling you things at price gouging prices, then why should you not be paying me for the things you already own eh? That sounds reasonable to me as it is reasonable to the commies at CMP.
The CMP gets away with this ruse, because this is not meant to put guns in American's hands, but is meant to put guns into the elite rich hands who go to country clubs and have the money to blow on collectors items.
The CMP states it does not want people owning these guns who would keep them in a glove compartment box in their cars, as they want people to hang these on the wall.......and again where in the 2nd Amendment does it state that CMP gets to dictate how Americans get to use their guns THEY ARE PAYING FOR TWICE?
I actually asked my asshole Senator about this..........and am still waiting for a reply, and I will not receive a reply, because the Republicans are the ones pushing this disarming of Americans.
So next time you hear Donald Trump or the GOP telling you all they are doing for you, just remember what the Lame Cherry told you, in to start examining just exactly what it is they are doing, because 2nd Amendment Don is:
Charging you twice for a gun you already purchased.
Ordering you where you can use your own gun.
Denying poor people the right to own a firearm.
Now fair in this would be the CMP running a lottery in each state receiving a certain number of weapons, and the winners would then receive for the price of shipping a Colt 1911 as Americans already own these guns.
For the record after this sham by CMP, the Lame Cherry demands the end to this agency, and all weapons be transferred to state National Guard Units who will then distribute these guns to Americans at shipping cost.
Another big thank you to Make American Great Again, where it means denying poor people guns, ordering people where they can use guns and the best one in charging people twice for the same guns they already own.
Nuff Said