As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
'People's lives are being destroyed by a mere allegation': Trump defends White House staffers accused of domestic abuse whose lives and careers he says have been 'shattered'
Gee I do not know Mr. President as you had no problem when Princess Ivanka was smearing the innocent Christian, Judge Roy Moore for being a pedophile and electing a baby butcher named Doug Stone, who you Mr. President allowed to help steal the election from Roy Moore, by instantly congratulation Doug Stone.
Where was your plea for DUE PROCESS when it was a Christian being attacked by an operation right out of your Trump House?
Ivanka Trump's Response To The Roy Moore Allegations Is One ...
Ivanka Trump's Response To The Roy Moore Allegations Is One Her ... appear ready or willing to denounce Moore. ... has repeatedly endorsed Moore on Twitter.New Doug Jones Ad Quotes Ivanka Trump - NYMag
A new ad for Doug Jones, the Democratic candidate for Senate in Alabama, quotes Ivanka Trump and two Republican lawmakers denouncing Roy Moore, his Republican ...Donald Trump 'furious' with Ivanka for Roy Moore comment ...
Donald Trump is 'furious' with Ivanka for saying Roy Moore is 'going to hell for ... in a tweet, Trump redoubled his support for Moore, ... after denouncing series ...
This will be a tease for readers, but surf in tomorrow to learn the behind the scenes story of Wifebeatergate, as it is as ludicrous as Donald Trump calling foul on smears, when his own princess ruined an innocent White Christian Man just two months ago.
Nuff Said