Saturday, March 24, 2018

A Trump Family Tradition

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I loathe cheaters. You give your word to someone you keep it. If they break their word, then you owe them nothing, but without your word you are nothing.

 The “Show Stopper” singer, 34, had hinted at the dalliance in two of her songs, as well as possibly speaking about it on a podcast. During the 2012 Risk! podcast she said she “started up this unspoken connection with a big celebrity who [she] can’t name because [she’ll] get sued up the ass.” She also revealed that she and the man, who she said she met on a TV show, “would do that eye f—thing” before he lured her into a bathroom where they made out during the show’s finale. She confessed the next day, she went to his hotel room to surprise him only to find a naked woman on his bed. (O’Day, who never named Donald Jr. as the man from her story, appeared on the podcast nine months after their affair ended.)

I am at the point that I have had it with Trump Brand. From the Kushner's making Americans nuclear fodder for defending Tel Aviv. Tiffany being a liberal doper and the latest revelations that Vanessa Trump finally filed for divorce after being cheated on by her husband with a most unattractive female, and by the above it sounds as if Don jr. had his father's problem of forgetting he was married, that this is not what I voted for in 2016 AD in the year of our Lord.


In noting Don jr's taste in cheating, I do not find erection on the list, but more nausea and vomiting. This is what one ends up in bed with after too much alcohol, to awaken the next morning horrified at what disease your doctor is going to tell you that you caught.

To expose the mother of your children to whatever this O'day was bedded by is without all character. Donald Trump in posting about his children was a perfect conman to voters. How anyone could have three children with another person and not have an ounce of moral fiber of loyalty to their spouse or factor in the damage to the children is without merit.

 2012, singer Aubrey O’Day answered the phone to hear Vanessa Trump — the wife of Donald Trump Jr., with whom she’d recently filmed Celebrity Apprentice — on the other end. After finding a treasure trove of emails, Vanessa had just learned O’Day and her husband had been having a months-long affair and she was ready to confront the other woman — with the help of a heart-wrenching ploy: “She called Aubrey with her kids on the phone,” a source says in the new issue of Us Weekly. Vanessa’s intent was to shame O’Day away from her husband — and she didn’t intend to back down. Says another insider, “Vanessa went crazy and was super jealous.”

It is always so pleasant to trust people and have them let you down in personal and national associations. We have the luxury of saying we were fooled. The Trump children are stuck with this as family history and will be their excuse of Gramps and Pops did the same thing, got divorced, so why keep your word and cut and run as that is the family tradition.

Nuff Said
