Monday, March 26, 2018

The Trump Whisperer

As leader of the  Sodomite Socialists,  I promise you this, that
and the other thing.......

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

First, I do not appreciate my internet slowing down, meaning the US surveillance or someone is back capturing my signal the way the British did Donald Trump, before it is sent on. Had enough of that from Birther Hussein.

Second, do you really think Ann Coulter and Rush Limbaugh are legitimate in their tirades against Master Donald? Or are they spouting off, to vent your frustrations, so the  public does not revolt, as these paid shills of Mockingbird  sodomy are the pressure relief valves, who keep getting the private calls from Donald Trump.

Third, perhaps Mr. President and his junta already have this polling data, but in my real time experience, I have noticed something in this massive spending bill, the destruction of the GOP and the plea for DACA funding over looking out for Americans, and  that is my readers, meaning the Trump base have responded.

I will explain this in most of you have not treated me very well this past year and a half, in warning you of where Donald Trump was leading in breaking his promises. Your ingratitude was immense and your shunning me was unkind. This has all changed now, and in forensic psychology, this means that after 15 months of being wife beaten by Mr. High Rise, the Trump base was beginning to delight in Mr. High Rise being made sport of, for the first time the emotional and psychological link of Mr. Trump and his base was broken.
In common sports terms, the public is enjoying now those giving Mr. High Rise the business.

The conversation between Donald Trump and his penis was the perfect mockery and the base was amused.

Granted in this, the  Junta cartel has this all by design as that is how one destroys the GOP is alienating the base so Donald Trump starts leading the social sodomites in America, against the Obama communists. I give God all the credit in knowing this was coming as this blog was so far out ahead that none predicted this. If not for Web Tarpley spilling this on Rense over a year ago from the insiders, I never would have been alerted to this scheme.

What is possible now is a Kevin Sorbo to primary Donald Trump in 2018 AD in the year of our Lord, as the base has been abused one too many times and I read by their reactions to the posts here in their positive responses that they have already been out to the bar for a drink, and have been discussing divorce papers for 2018  AD as the base is not fooled nor making excuses for the guy at 1600 Penn Avenue.

With war coming on, a war economy, a war stock market, this primary is not going to be easy, but after all of the abuse I have taken this past year  from ingrates, I am amused to see the children and brats awaken finally and figure out that Lame Cherry was right.The majority will not admit it, but the break point occurred. The work of Limbaugh and others is to vent for you, so you stay on the reservation and hold your nose and not take the next step. That is why Judge Roy Moore is still being crucified in Alabama by this cartel. This is the bitch slap phase of removing all the political competition as this DIA operation rolls ahead.
Whether the polling has revealed this, it probably has the way that cheerleader Sunprancer has been Kushner propaganda over at Cuckservitude Treehose in all of this trying to tamp things down. I simply am noting a change has  taken place and the Tea Party Voters are done being cheated on politically, and that trust is broken and will not return.

 In America, we call this a Three Vagina Trump
