Thursday, April 5, 2018

The Coming Thousand Year Reich

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

There is a most pertinent letter from the British embassy in Moscow to London at the onset of World War II which explains in detail the prediction of the Cold War with the Soviets. The British though still under the illusion they were an empire, thought the coming conflict would be in Europe between them and the Soviet Union occupying all points east of Berlin.
The reality is though that England in killing off all of her males and leaving only faggots, has been nothing but a Rothschild swindler nation of socialists since, in bankrupting the United States on defense spending in the trillions who was the force to take on the Soviet Union and dismantle her under Ronald Reagan.

Geofrey M.Wilson
3rd Secretary British Embassy Moscow
September 1941 AD

There is an alliance of necessity but it doesn't go much beyond that, if at all. One of my nightmares is that if the Russian armies are eventually successful as I think they will be, they will end this war by marching to Berlin and occupying all points of Europe east.
And then how are we going to get them out?
What it all boils down to is the fact that the Russians are being led to believe that this is primarily their war an that we are quite incidental in it. Up to a point, of course, they are right, in that their sacrifices are much heavier  that ours have ever been, bu the fact remains that unless there is a change, there is going to be a most unholy row between us when this is over, an the final atmosphere of suspicion and mistrust will be far worse at the end than it was two or three years ago.

We are still in a world which is plunging to another world war, from the worst machinations of the Ashkenaz financiers and the worst self serving despots in British royals and Franklin Delano Roosevelt. This is important as what follows will be a 1000 Year Reich, just as Adolf Hitler predicted.

The Bible states that the Christ will rule in a golden age of a 1000 years of peace in satan bound, after horrific natural and man made calamities. The reality is though, Christ or not, what is being fomented in Eurasia will be the final global war in World War IV, where the survivors will come full circle from the original Seven Years War, which was the first world war, in the world will be divided between those masters who rule and the vanquished who serve.

In the coming Great Eurasian War, Russia will rule from Vladivostok to Dublin. China will move north first to acquiring with Russia Alyeska, or Alaska in their global oil and gas fields. China will move south then and acquire Australasia for the purpose of colonization.
The same fate will await North America as Canada and the United States will be scorched earth and ready for Chinese colonies as Russia will attempt by acquiring the last Slavic breeders to enhance their lagging birthrates.

South America will become a vassal state while Africa will go the way of the missing link as a billion Chicoms are not going to be feeding the Negroid whose only domestic product are sperm and fertilized ovaries.

It is a point that China could absorb the United States salvos, and still deal with India in her billion and Indonesia with her billion. There will be a vast depopulation of billions from the planet as the infrastructure will be shattered and the new masters of Moscow and Peking will not have the humane nature the Protestant Christian had.
The world is facing the same division when England won the 7 Years War, and divided the planet according to God's Will. This venture will divide the world between the Bear and the Dragon.

Will it be a happy union or division? Not in the least as Xi is a tyrant for life and Russia as no trust as she will be the weaker in populace, but the projected stronger in military might for some time, but again, how many nukes can Russia continue to absorb, as in this epic annexation of Europe, she will have to burn it to the ground to become the almighty ruler.

That is the point in this which the British intrigue already foresaw in winning a war, which they should have lost, would create a Russia which would be at contention with them by occupying Europe. This is the juncture where this will all begin in there will be a 1000 Year Reich if Russia wins and China prevails, and the America Saxon Race will be a footnote in history and perhaps be extinct as will Caucasian Europe in some Andorra hamlet.

What was the Iron Curtain will become the Iron Gulag with all things resembling Tibet.

The world is going to be divided in the next years for certainty. These are epic times in thee entire caste of human civilization is about to be reordered as different as when King George was victorious in the 7 Years War. If Americans are led into this fourth war, as they have been willing in the other three, it will mean the end of Anglo American Germanic civilization. These peoples will be remembered a footnotes like the Sumerians in the mystery they were.

The Lame Cherry makes the point on this eve of world division, that this popular girl by God's Grace created a time line for peace with Russia and prosperity, but it was shattered and now the original tribulation is vibrating within the matrix. Those who distracted me will reap the whirlwind as this storm builds.

This concludes at this time the study of the Russian bear.

So be it.
