Tuesday, April 3, 2018

The Russian Bear's Biological and Nuclear Tooth and Claw

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

When Napoleon  Bonapart invaded Russia, it was a process of 6 months of Czar Alexander falling back, losing Moscow, but understanding the lessons of the Swedish invasion of Russia, that time, disease and the weather were greater fighters for Mother Russia than Russian troops.

Russia is so immense that an invading military requires lengthy supply lines, long columns and a rear guard to deal with the terrorist peasants. Russia literally wore out the Swedish, French and German armies, and the American expeditionary force of 1917 accomplished nothing and returned home.

There are always excuses in why empires lose empires, but Dr. Heinrich Haape warned the Wehrmacht of the diseases of Russia which were infecting German Soldiers. The worst was typhus which was spread all through Europe, to the Americans dusting entire populations to rid itself of human lice.
There was another disease though in spotted fever, and this is the plague which destroyed Napoleon's Grande Armee in a matter of 6 months.

Whole armies have been wiped out in no time at all with spotted fever. You may think the Russians defeated Napoleon, well I'm telling you now that spotted fever, more than the Russians, drove Napoleon back from Moscow. The same thing could happen to our Army.
(Spread by mites, ticks and fleas)

Dr. Heinrich Haape
6th Infantry Division

What followed after Napoleon was a British dispatch, where Russia was moving troops into Europe in the following battles and wars. where they were described as this:

These infantry and their appointments appeared as if they had not moved further than from barracks to parade during that time. The horses and men of the cavalry bore the same freshness an appearance. Men and beasts certainly in Russia afford the most surprising material for power service. If English battalions had marched a tenth of a part of the way they would have been crippled for weeks and would scarcely have had a relic of their original equipments. Our horse would all have been foundered, and their backs to sore even for the carriage of the saddles.

Two things can be gleaned from this in, yes horse flesh matters, but the fact remains the Russians were superior horsemen to the English as were the American in their cavalry. It is not a case that the Russians would not fight, because they did, but they too met their Waterloos in Europe and returned home to await invasion again, where the same allies of Mother Russia appeared again in disease carrying vermin, as the mud destroyed the invader as they began the long slow retreat.

These are the problems in a NATO invasion of Mother Russia, as what if the diseases are there but in check, as the weather is still the weather, and what if nuclear pollution or biological warfare is unleashed by Russians on their own lands, which of course would bring the same results of defeat which France and Germany experienced.

There really is not any law against any nation deploying biological weapons on their own  soil, as America as does China, Russia etc.. all have massive biological weapon's depositories which sometimes escape as in Lyme or SAARS.

No one in Trumpland has addressed what happens after a nuclear exchange? Does NATO prance in with mud up to it's asses and not moving as the Germans and French did and when they do, do the old plagues arise or does Moscow unleash the old plagues and blame rats and lice as cover?
See something would have to be done even with a radioactive Russia, as she could smoulder for years in sending up a hundred missile salvos every few months or a year just to make an aggressor pay.
The United States could not stop Saddam Hussein's scud missiles  in Gulf War I. They with the British had units hunting these platforms and still Iraq was launching with deadly effect.

See the question is not how to make war with Russia, but what to do with Russia after you have disabled her and the plagues appear to protect her,  and nukes are now viable to make you pay for decades.

Nothing has changed with Russia. She is still the same people and land. She simply now has her own plagues in test tubes and her own scorched earth to rain down on those who think that Russia is a nation to  be made war with.

As I have stated, one defeats Russia outside of Russia, but without an occupation force of 50 million, with support of 200 million in supplying that occupation force as it enters the plague phase and the resistance phase, Russia will continue to bite and claw with nuclear and biological tooth and claw.

Nuff Said
