Wednesday, April 4, 2018

They who eat their own, Eat you

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Most of you in passing have probably heard of the word SMERSH. It in fact was an organization in the 1940's which translated as DEATH TO SPIES.

It was a creation of Stalin's Soviet Union, which from the time of the Russian Civil War which the communists, led by leftist Jewry, murdered the Royal Family, enacted a policy of "Die Fighting or the State will Kill You".

In World War II, Stalin refused to allow his commanders and troops to retreat. The pockets of Briansk and Viazma, were created by Stalin ordering troops to hold the line, instead of strategically retreat and form new lines. The end result was the capture or slaughter of over 10 Russian Armies, numbering past the millions of men.
This was not Germans who did this. This was the communists butchering their own people and later calling it strategic warfare to save Moscow.

When these pockets collapsed though, it meant breakouts were attempted by Russian soldiers who attempted to make their way back to Moscow. Some of these Soviets had a long haul from Ukraine and it was winter.

This is where the communists unleashed a paranoia beyond paranoia, and SMERSH arose, as EVERY Soviet soldier who appeared back behind Russian lines immediately became a suspect. Russian counterespionage would evolve to SMERSH in 1943 as the Russians began pushing back the German Reich, and their name DEATH TO SPIES, meant exactly that as they were a most brutal police state mechanism.

Interestingly Jews who were the Bolshevik intelligensia were even more suspect than the tens of thousands of Russians. They were often accused of how did they being a Jew get away from Germans when Russians did not, so therefore it was concluded they were German agents.
No one has kept any records in how many Jews the NKVD and SMERSH killed for being traitors to Mother Russia, but often was the case the Jew was sentenced to five years in the gulag after escaping the pockets which Stalin's incompetancy created.

It was a remarkable story for Russians though who hid in the forests and eluded capture or escaped the pockets, as their numbers were 85,000 men. Out of millions deployed that is not a great number, but it does reveal that a small city actually had to appear before Russia intelligence and provide a believable story, or it would be death or the gulag.

These Russian escapees were nothing in appearance but animals. They did not harm the locals, but the locals had no idea what they were eating as they looked like sasquatch of the forest in long beards and rags with wild eyes.

It was the reality that the German Wehrmacht was even in being harsh was often more humane than Russian counterintelligence. The story of two Russians, one a Jew Named Abram Gordon and a Russian named Smirnov, had fled from defeats in the west to Viazma, where they fought their way out from 2000 men down to 300, captured Germans and murdered them as they could not guard them.
In fleeing they were captured by the Germans, screened and Gordon was not noticed being a Jew, so they were put into a slaughterhouse as a makeshift prison, where they escaped again and made it to the Russian lines where the NKVD questioned both. In this case, Gordon the Jew was returned to the army, while Smirnov was sentenced to the gulag where he died.

This is the story of how the Soviet's treated their own citizens and the mindboggling cult which still clings to Stalin after this brutality this Georgia unleashed for decades against his own people.

This is still what Russians are, for the survivors of the onslaught of Stalin were Stalin loyalists whose brute force was legendary, but has been shrouded from history, because Jews were in power in Moscow, and it was financial Ashkenaz whose purpose was to eliminate Germany as a competitor to London finance and Russian raw resource exploitation.

America and most of Europe now has a SMERSH type group which is criminalizing it's own peoples while protecting the rapist invaders. A war with Russia will unleash this riotous mob from inside and a war with Russia will unleash the same bear which devoured her own and all outsiders.
Americans are ignorant and deluded in not comprehending they do not have a Patton nor an Israelite German based White army to fight in the next world war to defeat the hordes of Eurasia. Warfare is not all expensive technological mass weapons. Warfare is still the human who overcomes and that genetic is not present in the swarthy skin types which are peopling the American sodomite military.
There is a reason Mexico, India and China do not rule the world by conquest, as their peoples are not capable of conquest, just as the Russian is incapable of progression of that which it conquests and falls to stagnation.

In the end of this, Christ may win the next war for America again to preserve her, but Americans have ceased from being to be able to fight a murderous bear that eats it's own.

