Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Edgar Berman MD

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

There started a series of posts on democrat Hubert Humphrey, the Vice President of the United States, as witnessed by one of the best historians of record in his friend and advisor, Edgar Berman who honestly looked in most instances like Leonard Nimoy's scowling brother, Hock on Star Trek, if a character existed.

Berman was a socialist, a real bleeding heart liberal, but in that definition do not allow that to colour you on modern liberals, as Berman basically detested everyone in the democratic party who was not Hubert Horatio Humphrey. I will agree on that point and I personally delight in a man who was as accomplished as he was in being a philanthropist in Africa with Dr. Schweitzer, to performing the first plastic esophagus replacement in a human, and the first real dog heart replacement. He was a pioneer and the reason most of you have never heard of him, is due to this conclusion by this brilliant man.

 Edgar F. Berman was an American surgeon and author. He is most remembered for his 1970 assertion that women were unable to hold leadership positions due to their "raging hormonal imbalances"

As Berman said, the women all hated him, and the men all thought he was their leader. The point in Edgar Berman is he was correct about 90% of the PMS females on the planet and 100% of the women in the democratic party. With Nancy Pelosi and Maxine Waters prime examples of the condition which is wrong with women.

This series of posts arises by chance as all things arise by God's design here, in the Viking is from Minnesota and months ago I spotted this book in the thrift store and picked it up, as I have a soft spot for Humphrey, as he is the reason liberalism embedded in the United States. It was not Teddy Kennedy who stole the credit and got all the blame. It was HHH whose decades of hard work, and it was work with the best of intentions, not to create an FDR monopoly party, or the base for the Trump sodomite socialists and Clinton Obama communists to rule by either party in the White House as Conservatives were exiled, but because Hubert Humphrey as Edgar Berman actually cared about people, and everything from Medicaid to Civil Rights  to Nuclear Test Ban Treaties came out of the genius of Hubert Humphrey, and Dr. Berman who refused payment as part of Humphrey's White House staff had an eyewitness seat to all things Humphrey from the Senate, to the White House, to the Senate and to his final dying days.

Humphrey loved Berman as a trusted friend and Breman loved Humphrey with his triumphs and faults. It is a rare honest liberal who will sit down on the death of their icon from cancer, and literally tell the world what assholes, asstards and assjackers everyone was in the democratic party from Lyndon Johnson, to Jimmy Carter, to George Meany, to George McGovern.

Dr. Edgar Berman Is Dead at 68; Writer and Humphrey Confidant ...

Dr. Edgar Berman, an author, newspaper columnist, surgeon and personal physician to former Vice President Hubert H. Humphrey, died of a heart attack yesterday at Sinai Hospital in Baltimore. He was 68 years old. In the Kennedy Administration, Dr. Berman was consultant to the White House Task Force ...

What is most interesting in Edgar Berman who was the unemotional side, yet with deep emotions of Hubert Humphrey who was all emotion on the outside and kind hearted inside, is as much as it hurt Hubert Humphrey to lose to Richard Nixon in 1968, in many ways Edgar Berman was deeply hurt even more, because even with the 1976 withdrawal to Jimmy Carter where that Baptist pariah who could not beat any democrat and limped along to beat Gerald Ford, said that he wanted Humphrey in the race to beat him badly, it was the cancer which followed soon after that Berman having dreamed with Humphrey for the Oval Office had it all taken away, and the 1979 memoirs is his evening the score for his departed friend, as Hubert Humphrey would never have engaged in final balancing of the scores, but Berman in devotion did.

It was an amazing relationship of two men of intelligence and drive who complimented each other. It was an insight of how badly Lyndon Johnson treated Hubert Humphrey in torturing him as Vice President as an "enemy" when LBJ had been forced to eat dirt by the Kennedy clan and lackies for his two years in serving John Kennedy.
As Hubert Humphrey stated, "The Presidency magnifies the good and the bad in a person, and the best and the worst always comes out".
LBJ always said that he could trust Jack Kennedy, but he never trusted any of the Kennedy's or their lackeys. That is one more thing that got HHH into trouble with Johnson on the campaign trail, in HHH was liked by the Kennedy people and HHH was always someone mending fences in being cordial as he hated conflict. To that Johnson fumed at Humphrey over being nice to Bobby Kennedy, "How can you be nice to that fascist!!!".

As I have stated, Edgar Berman is the freshest historical breath out there since Adolf Hitler wrote Mein Kampf. Where else will you ever read that Lyndon Johnson called Bobby Kennedy a fascist, because he was one and was one of the greatest demagogues and dark figures to ever rise in American politic.

So in the hopefully yet to be written anecdotes involving Hubert Humphrey to educate you on the history of America and the reality that once upon a time there was a politician who actually told the Truth like Ronald Reagan and was engaged in trying to make things better for Americans, unlike what plagues America in the 21st century, you can remember one honest man, an accomplished physician from Maryland, who could have cared less that he was ostracized after the facts he stated about women and liberals, who would never measure up, because for him the heart of America ended with the death of Hubert Humphrey and what was left in the democratic party were the heartless and the amoral in the republican party. Berman was a true friend past the grave to Hubert Humphrey.

There is one fact in this which you can quote the Lame Cherry on and this is it:

Hubert Humphrey created the modern democratic party from the frankenstein monster of parts in the corpse of Franklin Roosevelt and Harry Truman, made Kennedy pretty, but this Florence Nightingale creation was turned into a sodomite whore by Bill and Hillary Clinton with Barack Hussein Obama, who were bankrupt of liberal ideals as they changed human rights to amoral immorality.

- Lame Cherry

Thank you Edgar Berman.

When did being a woman become a special condition ...

May 24, 2014 · When did being a woman become a special condition? Catherine Bennett. Is menstrual leave such a good idea? ... Edgar Berman, physician to Hubert Humphrey, ...


You tell me Edgar Berman was not right about liberal women not being able to handle any power and then you tell me that the Trump West Wing is not ruled by raging hormonal imbalances.
