As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
The following account in these Trump times of derangement, brings a historical perspective in how venomous liberals have always been, even against their own.
The year was 1968 AD in the year of our Lord, and Vice President Hubert Humphrey, the author of Civil Rights, Medicaid and hosts of liberal programs, including being the force in the Johnson administration to get America out of the Vietnam War, and Humphrey was on the campaign trail and this event took place in liberal San Francisco.
Humphrey was in a parade and an open car riding, shaking hands with Californians, when a little girl, about 15 years of age, who was very pretty, approached the car as if to grasp the Vice President's hand. Humphrey immediately responded as she was an attractive child.
As she was about to grab Humphrey's hand her face contorted, and Humphrey's physician was witness to his and he said it left an indelible impression on the Vice President and himself, as this child started screaming:
Goddamn you, you motherfucker. I hope they napalm your balls off!!!
By today's standards, this may not seem snowflake abnormal, but in 1968 AD in the year of our Lord, children simply did not speak that way. This was the era of Batman and Robin, John Wayne movies, Gunsmoke, Perry Mason. People simply did not talk this way, and her was this Asian American girl filled with such absolute rage and fury, with her peers and adult examples, that she was spewing this kind of venom.
The event unsettled Humphrey and as he related the event to the San Francisco mayor later, even he had a difficult time relating the story, as Humphrey simply did speak this kind of profanity.
This girl is probably still alive in being around 65 years of age. In what is bizarre in typical liberalism is the Vietnamese disliked the Chinese and actually fought a war against them. Yet this girl who lived in the comfort of California was furious at Hubert Humphrey in her ignorance when he was actually the best advocate she ever could have wanted.
This incivility of the left has been embedded in America for some time. It began with Thomas Jefferson along with James Madison in poison pen letters which actually got Alexander Hamilton murdered. It appeared in the assassination of Abraham Lincoln and from the 20th century onward, there has been a practice in the American left to not be like Hubert Humphrey in winning the argument on facts, but to instead choose the worst denominator of slander and uniformed rhetoric to scream your opponent down.
So for those who think Facebook banning Conservatives or the filth that is George Soros paid troll is something new, it is not. The left has resorted to this for generations and in some cases it eats their own as Obama did Rod Blagojevich and John Edward. This goes on in the right too as Bush fam destroyed all the Conservatives and Tea Party people and Donald Trump allowed John Kelly and the Kushners to destroy the innocent Christian Roy Moore.
There are lines which should never be crossed in civility in politics, but those lines have been erased for generations. Hubert Humphrey did not deserve to be attacked by this ignorant and furious child, who was brainwashed by other furious souls who were uniformed as no one deserves this. It is a teaching lesson though in the reality of what the left is, and always has been, and how it ate one of their most liberal candidates as it always does, by the ignorance which is liberalism among the emotional masses.
Nuff Said