Thursday, August 23, 2018

How about a prayer you cheap Bastards

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Karen did not ask me to do this, but this is one of those instances where another one of Trump's forgotten families should have a prayer for them, especially from you rich deadbeats in your Wall Street centralized money, as this is where all that money you think is "yours" came from.

I'm just going to post the part of the letter that should initiate some human response to keep Karen and her family before God as you people with money certainly do not need to be praying for more cash to burden you.

Wrong: Declared disable Jan 2016. In a few months, it will be three
years they have denied my claim. I have received nothing during this
time. I used all of my retirement money to survive. The last 5K was
taken from my account in June and given to debt collectors. They
technically weren't supposed to do that, but there is no way to get it
back. I can't afford to see a doctor, go to physical therapy, or apply
for a handicrapped sticker (gotta pay a doc to get one of those!)  Since
our state is a community property state, they also took my son's savings
account, my husband's paycheck and any other money they could scam. We
won't be seeing that either. We have no money to sue. We had two cars,
but one has a failed transmission. Planned on selling that one, but now
it isn't worth scrap metal. Cats are ruining my garden, even though I've
trapped it. The seeds are very old, and I didn't expect them to
germinate, but they did and the cats smashed them. I suppose vitamins
will prevent scurvy.

If anything else has gone right over the past year, I can't remember it.
Every day is pain I can't get relief from, pain that keeps me from being
able to bend over and pick things up, weakness that prevents climbing
things like ladders safely and walking without a leg suddenly giving
out, an inability to lift more than 10 pounds without it falling onto
me--making do-it-yourself somewhat challenging, poverty, crap falling
apart and I have no idea how to fix it even using goggle (intentionally
misspelled) and no safe way to do it if I did know how, no money to pay
someone to fix it, a front yard that needs trimmed and no trimmer to
trim it, nor any money to pay someone, a psycho sister telling the
family I'm nuts when she has a psychiatrist that said I was the only
normal one in our family, said sister lying her ass off and turning
3/4ths of the family against me, a mother who wrote me a death
threat....  On good days, I donate old clothes the kid can't wear and
try to scale back even further so if we have to go live behind Walmart
in our car, we have the essentials.

And that, my good family in Christ, is why the donations from me have
tapped out lately.  I could really use some prayers that any person,
entity, corporation or group of people who throw stumbling blocks in my
path be thwarted.

Jehovah God, Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, it is difficult in these times to call You, Our Father, as I don't feel much like a child of God, but more like the Tupperware where the dog food is kept. I know have different purposes beyond our understanding. I know that You always know best. I know that in sorrows You carry us and grow us in Spirit, which this is all about, but knowing You have this wonderful outcome for me, lost it's luster I don't know how many humiliations ago.
We did what was right in 2016 and voted right and all that taught me is to never put my trust in princes or the sons of men again.
It would be just pleasant in Your Mercy to not always come past the point of knowing what to do, before You bring about a solution which never solves things, but it does get me by.

For once this is not about me being exasperated again, but about Karen and her family which I bring before You for Your solutions. I know about disability in being told I was not poor enough. My garden is cat crap bonanza where the beets should be growing and growing weeds is my green thumb. I ask Jehovah that You find solutions for Karen, and for all of Your children who have been forgotten in their own land. It is just a reality now that the people with money make excuses from helping people who need it and the money the poor had has disappeared. I can list the negatives, but what activating Your Name is petitioning You to manifests the positives for Karen and her family. Favor her, empower her, carry her, and prosper her. Show her Your Goodness without disrupting the life she leads to honor You.

We surround Karen with Your protecting Love. We ask that Holy Angels minister to her every concern. We rebuke satan and the curses of others from her forever.  By Jesus sufferings Karen is restored and by the Word of the Lord she is renewed every day. Keep her as Yours in every moment.

By Your Name and the Name of Jesus the Christ we commit Karen into Your active nurturing. Amen and Amen
