Monday, August 13, 2018

Sweden Burns from Muslim Warming

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

So reports are out that Sweden is burning not from global warming, but from Muslim terrorists they let into Sweden.

resentment in Sweden has built over the influx of more than 600,000 immigrants over the past five years.

Now Donald Trump has noted the problem in Sweden and even noted that Eisenhower deported 1.5 million criminals invading America.

Trump: Eisenhower deported 1.5 million immigrants | PolitiFact

... Moved 1.5 million illegal immigrants out of this country, ... Trump said President Eisenhower "moved 1.5 million illegal immigrants out of this ... Per Year. One ...

But the reality check is what  President Donald Trump says is not what Donald Trump is engaged in, as President Donadl Trump is bringing in 1.5 million Visa Vermin a year, is promising more slave labor and 1.8 million citizen dump foreigners.

Poll: Voters Show Massive Support for Trump Immigration ...

... or is it better for the government to continue to automatically bring in new immigrants each year ... 1.5 million a year, ... Year High; Donald Trump: ...

Trump plan offers citizenship path to 1.8 million immigrants

WASHINGTON — President Donald Trump is proposing a plan that provides a path to citizenship for 1.8 million ... Trump's plan would only allow immigrants ... per ...

OK it probably is time to review this data in Sweden brought in six hundred thousand vermin over FIVE YEARS, and Donald John just brought in 3 million more in his two years as President, made them all legal, is adding 1.8 million more and is promising more of them.

Sweden is burning with 8 times LESS vermin than America has brought Trump's two years.

With that reality, the Lame Cherry now returns your deadbeat non donor asses to what the future holds for each of you.

Oh one more thing.........John Kelly legalized all these criminals for America for Mr. President, but it is Omaroso who is out of the White House and Mr. President is calling Omaroso the wacko in this alternative universe.

Nuff Said
