Wednesday, August 15, 2018

The Cicada Song

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

When I was young there was a great mystery of the buzzing sounds which filled the summer air as my dolt Gram said they were bats and most people never knew what the mystery was as we never could figure out what the thing was.

I remember when a local news broadcast featured on a citizen had brought in, which ended the mystery, and odd thing was after that, I actually started finding cicadas and kept a collection of them in a jar.

There are cicada the world over and each make a different sound. The American east coast has a myriad of them that hatch out in cycles. New Zealand, Japan and Texas have quite soft sounding cicada. The Greeks have a harsh sounding one, and in that the Northern United States has a variety that sounds like a chainsaw going off in your ear as they are very loud.

In the metro with TL, the variety they had there reminded me of the sound effects on that Neanderthal planet where Spock was in command. The trees were filled with them and summer was a few weeks of these rather disquieting and quieting insects filling the days and nights with their sounds.
I thought in listening to the millions of them, that if the brier patch had that many cicada, we would have went mad and deaf as our bugs are really loud.

The thing is our cicada are not numerous. There used to be just a few, but as I never spray, I think we have a few dozen of them now. I listen to them while laying in bed as it heats up in the morning or for an afternoon nap. They always in this heat remind me of summer in a siren's song of seducing you into thinking that summer will last forever. It is a nice feeling to be deceived like that as that is what the cicada's song does to me, is it sort of holds me in that buzz as it does not get louder, does not change, it is just like a buzzer going off that lasts forever.
They never sing at night, not like the metro cicada. Only during the hot hours.
It used to be that it said 6 weeks to a cicada and then frost. Our first cicadas this year were July 5th, but last year it was June 20th which was very early. The thing is it has not frosted the first of September here since I was a child. I remember a September 3rd freeze one year, and sometimes it would be mid September, but we have had years now that it sometimes does not have a hard frost until mid October.

The cicada are gone by then. It gets a little cool and they get cold fast in these days of hot sun and cold nights. It transforms into locust weather in they sit on the drive way looking like fossils from prehistoric  times.

I like the deception of the cicada in promises of a forever summer. For some reason the heat and everything going quiet just makes one believe that you can laze away the days and there will never be any consequences. It reminds of a hard winter, when the cattle come through it, and for the first time lay down in greening grass and soak in the heat. It is the first time the struggle for life has ended and everything can relax.

I suppose when Christ returns it will be a cicada time in that peace will go on forever. I so want to have a time when I can believe in what the cicada sounds like, in a summer without an end and tomorrow will be just like today.

It is strange to me that flies bother, mosquitoes annoy in their sounds, and there is nothing comforting in wasps or beetles, but have a cicada with a sound up close that hurts your ears, be off in the trees, with a window open on a hot day, and there is something comforting in their unending sounds. It is like the frogs in spring singing into the night.

I am so ready for the promise of the cicada to be true.
