As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
One might as well submit that the language of diplomacy, business and the future is German due to the ascension of Sebastian Kurz as leader of the world.
- Lame Cherry
Would it not be refreshing for Trump voters to witness a scene like the above in Sebastian Kurz jetting in and President Vladimir Putin personally coming to the airport, where he chauffeured Mr. Kurz to a wedding for Mr. Kurz's foreign minister, where both of these world leaders peacefully discussed the trouble spots of the world and their mutual agreement to bring peace by diplomacy.
Kanzler Kurz sprach mit Putin über "Krisenherde"
Chancellor Sebastian Kurz (ÖVP) spoke on the way from Gamlitz to Graz Airport with Russian President Vladimir Putin in his presidential limousine. According to the spokesman for the government, Peter Launsky-Tieffenthal, bilateral issues included "the current political situation and trouble spots such as Ukraine, Syria, energy policy and the EU-Russia relationship".
Into this Mr. Chancellor, President Sebastian Kurz reminded the world of the 1968 suppression of Nationalists in Czechoslovakia by the Warsaw Pac, and reminded the world that liberty must be something that even in the modern world must be stood for.
Austria in that era sheltered the refugees, while the Americans sat on their diplomatic asses in the Prague Spring, as the Soviet's smashed freedom again in Europe.
Not to set on his laurels, the leader of the emerging European Super State is off to Asia on August 29th, 2018 AD in the year of our Lord, for bilateral discussions of European Asian trade, with expanding the primary ports of call in Singapore and Hong Kong, in the freedom outposts of capitalism grasping with a hand out beyond the Rice Curtain of Peking.
Bundeskanzler Kurz besucht Singapur und Hongkong
The future of the world is Europe, who finally has a leader capable of dealing with the intrigue of London, the disruptions of Paris and the laissez-faire of Berlin. The Eurasian uniter has arrived and in this, the public should come to terms that when business, diplomacy and communication is conducted on an international scale it will be carried out in German, as it should have been for the past 100 years.
For the American, so vehemently for their flag, and yet so feckless in being led around to their replacement by the Nazi Conglomerates replacing the White Christian with world ethnics, they bristle at the thought of being supplanted, but in that is lost the reality of their own demise has been brought on by their own Americentric lack of vision.
Here is Russia, humiliated since Bill Clinton warned against this in his tenure in the White House, suffering massive abuse, being lied to and betrayed by Bush family, bruised by Hillary Clinton and absolutely educated that America has no loyalty to anyone under globalist refugee Obama, held out hope that in Donald Trump they could find an honest broker to progress in peaceful cooperation.
Yet from the start of the Trump era, there has been nothing but abuse of Russia, and when Donald Trump attempted a summit, he returned home to be browbeaten into line by Mike Pence, John Kelly and John Bolten to refute detente with Russia. Any nation experiencing that type of schizophrenic foreign policy, would naturally turn to other honest brokers, who were not trying to destroy their industries as in pipelines to Europe as Mr. Trump is engaged in for his Big Oil as they bankrupt Americans at the gas pump, so the natural leader in all of this is the leader of the Motherland, the Austrian Chancellor of vision, Sebastian Kurz.
The United States is responsible for this European Russian ascendancy. The people voted for peace with Russia and instead were stymied in that by the Pentajew factions who supported Jeb Bush, Hillary Clinton and now Donald Trump in this constant chaos. It simply is a matter now for the nuclear super power status of Russia and the rising economic super power status of Europe to work together, trade with Asia, and leave Washington DC in their continuous festering war zone behind her ocean walls.
The world has simply stepped over and around the shadow presidency of the United States, and in this instance as America is isolating herself with Tel Aviv and Sunni Oasis Allies of nothingness, America will stand united with not any support and be a lone wolf against the world.
This is not what the American People voted for, but it is the reality. Sebastian Kurz has simply stepped into the void of American Peace, and Vladimir Putin has simply offered the hand of cooperation and support which was slapped away by thee Americans who still delude themselves in their globalist gutted debt and war against their own Christian citizenry is some kind of dreadnought which can stand alone against the world and dictate terms to it. The world has simply moved on from socialist empire of Woodrow Wilson, Franklin Roosevelt and the Bush family.
That is what is lost on this entire inconsequential dictorate in America is the world has tired of the filth of American bribes and the terror of American threats. The world clamors not to be energy whores or beaten wives out of DC intercourse. The world desires an association of respect. The difference for America this time is their propaganda had London and Paris mass market audiences against Adolf Hitler in his vision of a European and World Order, but with Eurasia uniting it is the American sound machine with the fading puppets of old Europe, being drowned out by New Europe and New Asia.
The United States has been taken out of strategic position by their inept policy. That is not the world's fault that is the America responsibility, and if thee American People do not appreciate the situation, it is their responsibility in legal Constitutional means to recall the perpetrators and state by state begin electing a representative government that follows through on their 2016 AD in the year of our Lord promises, and not betrays them.
If you do not like the people of Europe and the world loving the photo below of two 22nd century world leaders in peaceful cooperation, then you are not liking two leaders who chose EXACTLY what you did in 2016 AD in the year of our Lord in US presidential elections. The difference is that Mr. Putin and Mr. Kurz when faced with the DC Dictorate rejected it, not by becoming a Trump clapper or an Alyssa Milano ranter, but they moved on to progressing their mutual relations beyond what Washington DC was dictating for war to protect the interests of the feudal few bankers and conglomerates.
Americans were given the peaceful tools to remove treacherous leaders by election recall. If the mob would simply unite, beyond fighting over were sex organs can be inserted saintly and holocaust wombs, and return to the Founders in their property rights for Americans and cease attempting catharsis by importing millions of foreigners to feel superior too, by electing representatives who would restore America, put criminal traitors into prison and impeach wholesale the minions of the police state Nazi conglomerates, Americans on the right and left would have the America they both desire, and then by Putin and Kurz diplomacy, begin establishing the systems in foreign lands so all of those poor bastards would have a life to enjoy too.
Nuff Said