Tuesday, August 28, 2018

The Perfect Person to Replace John McCain

The McCainchurian Candidate

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The Lame Cherry thinks it is horrid of the Governor of Arizona, to want to make sure that John the hero McCain is cold in the ground dead first before naming a replacement for John the hero McCain. In that, the Lame Cherry petitions the Governor of Arizona to appoint the following person to replace John the hero McCain and the Lame Cherry bases  this on the spiritual connection that the image of Obama said it had with John the hero McCain which none of us low lifes could ever comprehend.

In honor of John the hero McCain and Barack Birther Hussein, the Lame Cherry states the perfect next Senator from Arizona to replace John the hero McCain is none other than Le Hong Thuy Tien, of Vietnam.

I'm richer than Ivanka Trump Kushner!

"I run 25 private equity and venture capital firms that distribute luxury brands and invest in local shopping malls,"

Thuy Tien has all the credentials John the hero McCain and Barack Birther Hussein look for. First she is not an American. She is though the richest woman in Vietnam with her husband who operates the Vietnamese state airline franchise.
 This woman is who John the hero McCain fought the communist war of liberation for. This is John the hero McCain's offspring in a billionaire communist in a land where most people can not afford rice.

I have better fashion sense than Ivanka Trump Kushner!

"My mother raised me and my five siblings alone. She was a schoolteacher and very strict. She taught us that working hard was the key to survival."

That is all the qualifications necessary as Obama was born a foreigner and people allowed him to swindle the presidency and McCain was born in Panama, so there you go, two higher plane spiritual brothers, so what could be more perfect than Arizona appointing a foreigner, who has never lived in Arizona, to be their next Senator, as American laws do not matter.

I'm hotter than Ivanka Trump Kushner!

"It was a joint venture with the military. I sat in meetings with all these men in uniform and they didn't believe a 25-year-old woman could handle 20,000 products. I was determined to prove them wrong." She did. The supermarket was mobbed on its opening day. "It was the first time people could do all their shopping in one place."

I like Thuy Tien, as she is hot. She is like the Ivanka Trump of Indochina with the real money and she looks really good in sparkles.

I say let's stop this beating around the bush and have Arizona appoint a Vietnamese communist worth a billion dollars and in 2020 the democrats can get behind her and make her president just like Obama. It will solve everything in Arizona needs a Senator who John the hero McCain would approve of with his spiritual plane mate in image Obama, and America can help her steal the 2020 elections for President.

Arizona, answer your McCain calling and make this Vietnamese your new Senator and this will unify the country as she becomes the Republicom nominee of the democratic party, as no one wants that old nasty snatch Hillary or Pocohantas, and no one wants that pedo Uncle Joe Biden. America yearns for a communist who is a hottie, and as John the hero McCain helped liberate Vietnam by defeating the United States, who could be better than another foreigner like Obama, who is prettier than Ivanka Kushner.

...and I'll be a better President than Ivanka Trump Kushner!

"It was hard at the start because Vietnam is so sexist. Male clients often assumed I was the secretary, not the CEO." She pauses for effect. "They don't make that mistake any more."

Nuff Said
