Monday, August 27, 2018
The Woodshed for the Press
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter
The modern snowflake probably in their hatred of Donald Trump can not appreciate that liberals are an animal who equally hate their own, and fake news started long ago as this incident of the CIA Mockingbird press revealed between Hubert Humphrey on the campaign trail and the 4th Estate.
This all started with Tom Vale who was the publisher of the Cleveland Plain Dealer inviting Humphrey and Dr. Edgar Berman over to the Jockey Club in Fairfax Virginia for nightcap.
When the duo arrived they saw the high priestess of the Washington Post in Katherine Grahm, Missy Chandler of the Los Angeles Times and John Cowles of the Minneapolis Star and Tribune.
Cowles hated Humphrey and was trying to get him defeated every year in the worst headlines he could come up with, and the trio were all in the hamper for Bobby Kennedy to be the next replacement as they all adored fascists.
The night started with catty remarks by Cowles and Graham needling Humphrey about Washington politicians all being incompetent, freeloaders an they lack of style and how vulgar they all were.
It then went down hill to a story about Lyndon Johnson sexing a campaign helper in crawling into bed with her and saying, "Don't worry honey, it's only your President".
Then they started baiting Humphrey with the stories about the scandals his advisers were enmeshed in, with accusations of how he could afford to have them around in their shady deals in business and foreign aid.
Humphrey was always known as "Good olde Hubert" as the man that they could run up and jab the pointy stick into as he would never respond as Humphrey hated scenes and confrontations.
Humphrey could only take it so long before he turned the tables on his tormenters with the following response:
"Listen fellows, let's stop going through the back door and put it on the table. You've attackd the morality of our leaders, you've attacked the system, you've attacked the inegrity of my staff. I know you think you're getting to.
But, by Christ, did you ever really examine yourselves and your profession? Stop this damned righteous guilt by association on your front pages.
Cowles, I know how and what you've tried to do to me in Minnesota. You may not like my type - I may not wear the old school tie - but I only wish that your pater had Minnesota, not your pocketbook, as much at heart as I do. Sure, those men are my friends, and none have even been indicted. I didn't do anything more for them than I did for you in helping get building materials for you to build your plant during the Korean War. Let's get another things straight. Your healdines may hurt me, but your can't beat me and you never will. I know some of you are supposed to be Deomcratic, but you can't prove it by me!"
Graham tried to soften what they had been saying by putting it they were just concerned about the people Hubert was associating with. To this Humphrey unleashed again on the princess "Don't worry about me so much when your headlines read......HUMPHREY AIDS.... I I know some of you are supposed to be great Democrats and I know how you despise Lyndon Johnson. But have any of you turned down one of his White House dinners lately?"
Graham was twisting her hanky at being taken to the wood shed by Humphrey. She was flushed as Cowles was pale as a ghost.
Humphrey got up and left and in leaving said,"And Kay, you can print that word for word tomorrow if you like."
Not a word was ever printed, but Graham rushed to Berman after and said, "That kind of attack on John Cowles was uncalled for!"
Berman in defending Humphrey shot back, "Uncalled for? I think it was long overdue!"
Hubert Humphrey was depressed that night and the next day over having done what needed to be done. It was long past time and it is honestly the greatest accomplishment he ever accomplished, but no one knows the real story which took place at brandy hour with the CIA powerful and connected.
You do though thank to the Lame Cherry in exclusives in matter anti matter.
So you get the point in this, Donald Trump knows who these whores are and the pedophiles and he never puts his detractors on the leash. He instead leaks more than anyone, makes claims about fake news, and never gives America what it truly needs in a leader who is on a righteous cause of protecting Americans from the intelligence funded 4th estate.
And yes Humphrey played to the board rooms of all the media, but it was as President Johnson always said, "those audiences were about as valuable as the hind tit on a boar".
Nuff Said