I have been investigating Brett Kavanaugh's penis..
Ronan Farrow
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
We now discover that Christine Blasey Ford did not send her letter accusing Brett Kavanaugh to Senator Diane Feinstein, but to a skirt in the House, because the statute says that if Blasey Ford lies to a House member, she is not guilty of perjury, because she did not lie to a Senate member.
Turns out she sent the letter to Rep. Anna G. Eshoo, NOT Feinstein.
Now, why oh why would Ford have done that?
As it should.In the coming days, Ford's decision to send a letter to Rep. Anna G. Eshoo, a House member with zero jurisdiction over or authority to investigate presidential nominations, rather than Sen. Dianne Feinstein, who has explicit jurisdiction, is going to get a lot more scrutiny. pic.twitter.com/oLG0IndQTL— Sean Davis (@seanmdav) September 23, 2018
Why wouldn’t she send the letter directly to Feinstein, who absolutely had jurisdiction?
A plain reading of 18 USC 1001 suggests that in the matter of a specific presidential nomination pending before the U.S. Senate, statements made to a House member on that matter may not be covered by the statute's prohibition on false statements. pic.twitter.com/gla8uiBqUE— Sean Davis (@seanmdav) September 23, 2018
I was raped while stoned out of my mind and Brett Kavanaugh
had nothing to do with it........
And this just in, Patty Reagan now claims sisterhood with Christine Blasey Ford, because Patty was "raped" by a Music Executive, who she snorted coke with, as she thought she was there to discuss music she had written.
Apparently this executive is not going on the Supreme Court, so we will not find out his name.
But this Patty is joined by Meredith Salenger who says she was raped, but she kicked the guy in the balls and ran away. That is not rape.
Bellamy Young joins Patty in saying she was raped too, but too young to know it was wrong.
And Ashley Judd with her Pussy Cap is back, telling her story again in letting an old man diddle her for candy and then as a teenager having sex with a guy, writing it down, and an adult reading it, and noting it was willing.
I was raped and Brett Kavanaugh had nothing to do with it...
OK now that these women have confirmed the stereotype that women are nuts and can not be trusted to know what the hell rape is and to not disregard the norms in women should not be alone with men as that tells horny men they are available for sex, we continue on with this new charge of Brett Kavanaugh gone wild.
Dear Lord. This is insane. She says she was wasted, she was playing a drinking game, she doesn't remember much about that night, and she wasn't even sure until this week whether Brett Kavanaugh was involved. Three other people alleged to be involved denied it. https://t.co/0YS7Ga84kP— Matt Walsh (@MattWalshBlog) September 24, 2018
The others alleged to have been at the party deny it. Her friend from college says she never mentioned it happening. Debbie herself was hesitant to say whether Kavanaugh was even involved at all in her initial conversations with the New Yorker.— Matt Walsh (@MattWalshBlog) September 24, 2018
So Brett Kavanaugh has been accused of rape by a woman who has 4 witnesses who say it never happened.
Brett Kavanaugh as been judged a rapist, by a stoned woman who says she was raped, a woman who was not raped and said she was raped, and Ashley Judd who likes telling her rape stories she starred in.
Into this we have another female accusing Brett Kavanaugh of having a penis, and everyone else says the event did not happen.
And now for something totally appropriate in Ben Affleck was locked into an SUV by his ex wife and some woman and dumped off at a drunk clinic after ordering fast food take out.
Where upon Ben emerged, dumped his blonde he was going around with and picked up with an almost underage new Playboy centerfold for fast food take out.
I intend to be most thorough in examining
Mr. Kavanaugh's penis on Thursday next....