Tuesday, September 11, 2018

that after taste of a Robert Mueller conviction

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The wife of George Papdopoulos was sent this photo which she published that her husband was framed by the Obama White House, because the above duo, were both Hillary Clinton supporters.

What is heartening is Mr. Papadopoulos has come to the conclusion what this blog published from the start of this in  this was an MI6 operation.

Would be a very very big problem if British intelligence was weopanized against an American citizen.

The conspirators behind this had better hope that the American DIA under Donald Trump does not gain complete control of the narrative, or this group from Theresa May, the Queen, to Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton and Robert Mueller are going to be international pariahs for this King George coup.

For what Great Britain has engaged in, is an act of war against the United States of America. America should declare war, annex Canada, liberate Australia and New Zealand, and if London does not agree to unconditional surrender in 20 minutes, the United States will carpet bomb from Dover to North Unbria, and after Nuremberg Trials hang the lot of these terrorists.

Nuff Said
