Thursday, October 4, 2018

Brett Kavanaugh Framed By Porn Pulp

I did not boof, with that devi's triangle, Monica Lewinsky

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

There is an interesting thing about the lame frame up of Obama Judge Brett Kavanaugh, is that the more the story ages, the more it falls apart like Ivanka Kusher fashions.

Much has been made about the references in Brett Kavanaugh's yearbook, by Senator Patrick Leahy, who really got a rise in his grampy panties to words like Boofing and Devil's Triangle.

Kavanaugh's unconvincing explanations for yearbook references ...

Take devil's triangle.While it's remotely possible that Kavanaugh and his friends used an idiosyncratic definition, the euphemism typically refers to a threesome with two men and one woman.

This became a big issue when Jamie Roche, the Media Gigolo started saying that Kavanaugh was lying about the drinking references, when in fact Roche says they meant sexual references.

I was Brett Kavanaugh's college roommate. He lied under oath.

In 1983, I was one of Brett Kavanaugh's freshman roommates at Yale University. About two weeks ago I came forward to lend my support to my friend Deborah Ramirez, who says Brett sexually ...

There is a problem in all of this though, as the  references in Kavanaugh's book by normal  early 1980's Caucasian boys, is completely different the Hillary Clinton pervert crowd trying to smear  Kavanaugh.

The Devil's Triangle is a 1974 reverence to the Bermuda Triangle.

Richard Winer (The Devil's Triangle, 1974)

Bermuda Triangle - Wikipedia

The Bermuda Triangle, also known as the Devil's Triangle, is a loosely-defined region in the western part of the North Atlantic Ocean, where a number of aircraft and ships are said to have disappeared under mysterious circumstances. Most reputable sources dismiss the idea that there is any mystery.

This reference appeared again in American sub culture in Kevin Costner and Susan Sarandon's Bull Durham, five years after the Kavanaugh year book. It was there it first took on the sexual reference to a woman's nethers.

Bull Durham 1988

Ebby Calvin LaLoosh: The other day Crash called a woman's pu... pussy... um, well, you know how the hair is kind of in a V-shape?
Annie Savoy: Yes, I do.
Ebby Calvin LaLoosh: Well, he called it the Bermuda Triangle. He said that a man could get lost in there and never be heard from again.

Jamie Roche made a great deal of press on this, but there is a huge problem in this in Kavanaugh's classmates have sworn now, all who are not the Media Gigolo that the Devil's Triangle was indeed in the early 1980's with this group a drinking game.

Brett Kavanaugh Said "Devil's Triangle" Was A Game But It's ...

The Devil's Triangle is also a less popular name for the Bermuda Triangle. (The more you know!) But is it actually a drinking game? The most popular definition of the term on Urban Dictionary, the unofficial catalog of modern slang, explains the term as a threesome between two men and one woman.

As far as boofing, boofing is a most interesting term as in DC the perverts there use it now to reference a woman with a yeast infection stench. It is also in some circles now is referencing an alcohol enema. 

"Boofing" is not a fart as Kav said - Democratic Underground

I mean, where I came from, Bay Area in No. Cal ... boofing meant anal sex. I never, ever, ever heard of anyone partying drugs by putting them in their ass. And I PARTIED DRUGS, make no mistake about that.

As one can witness from the  above, is there is a good Catholic boys group in the early 1980's who were not fixated on sex, but on what was their college world of Animal House nonsense melded with the 1980 movie Caddyshack inspiring that generation, and then there is this Obama homosexual degenerate group who has been at the Hillary Clinton eye of the hurricane storm against Kavanaugh who leapt to conclusions that what a group of boys almost 40 years ago, was the same thing this group of sodomite deviants were Anderson Cooper changing the meaning of teabagging over.

One can actually trace these bastardization of terms of normal American culture by the sodomite degenerates. Everyone has missed the Christine Blasey Ford accusation of "grinding up against her in trying to rape her". That again is a much later pulp porn perversion than the early 1980's.

I am going to reference a horrid piece of modern pulp porn which will be reviewed later on page 153 to explain the reality that all of this oral sex is a much later date fixation of perverts like Bill Clinton out of the Obama, Uncle Frank Chicago pansies. In  the early 1980's it was still considered queer for anyone to engage in that French sex, as it was met with a puke reaction from people.

 He brought her to a shuddering, rolling shattering with his mouth, there where she was wet and needy. Then he did it again.....her voice cracking...and finally did crawl up the length of her and fit himself to her center.

Caitlin Crews. 2018 AD in the year of our Lord
British UCLA sponsored pulp porn writer.

Most of you have not any experience in porn underground literature in it's development from Big Sis and Little Brother,  where this Bill Clinton sex was based in, in infecting the ideas of an adult book store deviant. There was an evolution in this, just as multiple orgasm, or orgasms at all, were something unheard of.
Yes teenagers ground their hips in dancing, but that grinding in sexual attack is pure Harlequin pulp porn, and 17 year old boys were not Harlequin trained as that porn had not been created and it was NOT AVAILABLE as adult book porn was not available as most communities ran that chit out of their communities.

“We do not remember the exact origin of the name, but none of us used the phrase ‘Devil’s Triangle’ in our yearbook to refer to any kind of sexual activity. To us, it was just a game with glasses in the shape of a triangle. If the phrase ‘Devil’s Triangle’ had any sexual meaning in the early 1980s, we did not know it,” the letter concludes.

In Forensic Linguistics, the Lame Cherry has proven to you, which perverts in their groups are smearing Brett Kavanaugh, and who these media whores are associating with, by the conclusions of their charges. You can comprehend that Brett Kavanaugh's group are non homosexual, did not spend time in adult book shops jacking off or spend their  evenings with hairy legged lesbians like Hillary Hamrod Clinton.

Those are the realities of this reality.

Once again another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter, in my interest is Truth, as Donald Trump is never going to express any appreciation for this blog writing the time line by God's Grace to get him elected, and I believe Brett Kavanaugh is a disaster for Christian America as he has stated he will uphold all Obama unConstitutional laws mandated by this corrupt John Roberts fag court.

As the FBI has now with Donald Trump covered up the Hillary Clinton sodomite groups behind this to upend the midterms with the Mike Pence for impeach Trump GOPliters, we will never have the Truth. You though thanks to this blog have been provided the linguistic evidence on a historical time line of the devolution of porn pulp.

Hillary Clinton's deep state group left a linguistics trail. There is no doubt about any of this.

Nuff Said
