Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Fort Trumpski

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

From an American strategic perspective, the choice of Poland as an ally is a military, political and economic disaster. The reason for this statement is Birther Hussein began this thrust at Russia by pouring tanks into Poland and Donald Trump continued the ill fated mating with Poland, because if one looks at the map above, Poland has not any access to the open seas. Poland is a worse position than Germany and the British literally in the North Sea had German warships locked into port, and Poland is a far worse military position due to the Jutland chokepoint.
Simply put, US forces would be cut off in Poland as there is no seaward supply, and the land routes are too far from the Lowlands or Italy. In that once again naval supply would be neutralized by the Channel, North Sea in the north and at Gibraltar on the Mediterranean. Literally in the nuclear age, nuclear mines end all ocean support and no military can be supplied by air. Poland is a death trap just waiting to be sprung on America.

The United States is now in an energy pimp war with Russia. The Europeans want cheap Russian natural gas, but the United States is terrified that this will cement the Napoleon Hitler Union of European technology with Russian raw resources to negate the United States, as a European Super State will form.
So Donald Trump in his policy is bankrupting American drivers by making them fund energy dumps into Europe, with the only takers in being Poland as that is what the United States now has as allies, in dead weights.

Trump calls Russian energy projects a threat to US security

This has moved to the ludicrous in Poland now wants to have American military welfare in Poland and are going to build a base and call it Fort Trump. America may as well just hand the Russians the keys to their tank depots, as Poland has zero defense capabilities as the numerous wars have proven.

Poland Offers ‘Fort Trump’ as
Name If U.S. Builds Military Base

Bloomberg News, by Justin Sink    Original Article
President Donald Trump said the U.S. is looking “very seriously” at establishing a permanent military base in Poland -- and Polish President Andrzej Duda, eager to secure a deal, suggested it be named “Fort Trump.” Trump raised the possibility of a new U.S. base in Poland in a meeting with Duda in the Oval Office on Tuesday. He said at a news conference with the Polish leader that Duda had offered to pay more than $2 billion toward construction. “Poland is willing to make a very major contribution to the United States to come in and have a presence in Poland,” Trump said in the Oval Office. “If they’re willing to do that,  


If one studies a topographical map of Poland, one sees it is a perfect northern invasion route out of Belarussia with the Russian navy having full control of the Baltic for resupply. America becomes trapped in Poland and Europe will fall in days.

The US policy moves are  a reflection of either treachery of absolute ignorance. Thee entire point of military bases are to produce a secure area to mount operations from. Germany was a logical front line in her rivers and terrain. Poland on the other hand is an open land waiting to be poured over.

US to store heavy weapons in Poland - bbc.com

The US will take a decision soon to store heavy weapons including tanks and infantry fighting vehicles in Poland, the Polish defence minister says. Tomasz Siemoniak said he had discussed such US ...

 To term Russia a threat, with an imploding population, worse than Europe is a ridiculous farce. America in her nation rapists have simply moved from being terror oil addicted for profits, to being pimps in selling energy to Europe and the world, to keep a fading economic blackmail control of Europe. It is incorrect to term Russia a threat as Russia is a healthy competitor for America in Europe.
Russia can invade Europe, but Russia can not hold Europe. She does not have the resources in manpower or the financial ability. Doing so would cause an automatic collapse of the Russian state. Placing American resources in Poland will cause a humiliating collapse of the American projection of power. The United States would be a military without heavy armour in a Russian annexation of Poland. There simply is not any way to stop a Russian invasion if they would come with US forces in air power.

This is an ill conceived policy of the United States which Congress has the responsibility to question, but this is not about the protecting of America, as in every point around the globe, the US military is engaged in ways to escalate a confrontation with nuclear powers.

If not Poland, then Syria, as Russians are being threatened by the Marines, occupying sovereign lands in Syria which are Syrian, over a Tehran Damascus land bridge.
Last time I looked, that land bridge had a big nation called Iraq dividing Damascus and Tehran.

US Central Command spokesman Lt. Col. Earl Brown previously told Business Insider, adding, "The United States will not hesitate to use necessary and proportionate force to defend US, coalition or partner forces, as we have clearly demonstrated in past instances."

This is not about Tehran. This is about the United States occupying the Syrian oil provinces, and no one is asking where these American oil companies are selling that oil too, as the revenues are not going to Syria.

Is anyone going to ask what the United States is doing illegally occupying Syrian provinces and why the United States is placing it's heavy armour into a Polish death trap?

Nuff Said
