Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Futility Meets a Billionaire

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

When I do background checks, I always use some people I knew in Ohio, as they are sort of off the grid types in being a former married couple, and if I can track them, I can find about anyone.
That is why it shocked me in I happened upon an obituary, and discovered the guy had died not long ago after a short illness.
I felt empty at the futility of these people's lives, as three times married and marijuana plants on your Facebook profile is not exactly a life accomplishment in trying to make up for your old man dying when you were a kid and turning into a pervert like Ted Nugent.

I think about that when someone like Paul Allen died at a young age of 65. I remember him at Seahawks games in his being a nicer and more personable creature than Bill Gates. I actually thought it was impressive that he walked away from Microsoft and bought sports teams and was enjoying himself as that is what few rich people ever do with the God's money.

Billionaire Microsoft Co-Founder, Seahawks, Trailblazers Owner Paul Allen Passes Away at 65

So here we have a billionaire, who is not able now to touch one dollar. What was "his" in two sports franchises are not his any more. Other people will be making the decisions, and on tax laws if he had any family, they will have to sell it for taxes.

I smile at things I see, as I know that people are already wandering through his house, his office, his businesses and they are all thinking what they can get away with, what they would do with those things and money and how those in the will are going to be delighted in their alone times, while they mourn in their public times as one does have to pretend that one is not delighted at having more money than Kenya.

I do not blame people who won the lottery in this. They were in the right place and the right time after all. Most people have dogs. Most people have worthless coffee buddies, but a few have billionaire friends, and fewer of them ever end up with anything of value unless Raymond Burr was sticking his dick up your ass for 30 years in orchid scented sodomy.

Allen had no wife, no children, had an island, and has a sister. I suppose she will be the lotto winner, but at this moment his corpse is stiff and cold, and once that will is read, he is done having his will done in this world. It is amazing to me in a person this rich and powerful is no more than a rock in the stream or a dead tree in the forest in what he can do in this world. It is now all before God and if Jesus was not Mr. Allen's Savior, then that Judgment is something all that money and power is not going to save him from.

In that Paul Allen and I have something in common, we both now are in a situation where the world is full of money, and I haven't been able to get rich people like him to donate before it was too late, and he is in a divide where he can't even swipe a bank card to get 20 buck. The amusing part is, if he could, in a few days he would be a criminal in stealing other people's money as that money is not his any longer.


SuperBowl champion owner, Terry Bradshaw, and now all he is, is a fading memory in this world. All those things he thought were his, his most intimate things in his bedroom and office will soon be tossed out, donated, picked over and discarded as a new person places their identity there.

It is why Solomon after his fall wrote of the vanity in Ecclesiastics. He built grand things and discovered that none of it mattered. He was better off in being not too wise and obeying all of God's Laws.

All that goes out of the world is the love in you and without God's Love you do not end up with Him. Those things that matter as Paul Allen is long past mattered, are caring for others and obedience to God, nothing else as there is not any rewards for building Microsoft or winning a trophy in Heaven.

We all face it. The world does not stop when we die. The world did not stop for Paul Allen and it keeps moving on, as those around him are more interested in their jobs, the will, control and how to keep what they have.

Yesterday you were someone. Today you are nothing and I wonder how many people who are out there thinking how they got screwed over by this billionaire. Yesterday you were in control and had visions, now the control is gone and the visions are just models chucked in the waste bin.

Nuff Said
