Friday, October 19, 2018

In defense of Mohammed bin Salman

I've got a list Bin of enemies that you could invite to your embassy...

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Americans are an ignorant group of people, and they have in charge of their thinking people who are wealthy and are moved to dictate to other nations how they should behave, as they shove penis up their anus in bars and build complexes to suck children out of mother's wombs, which in turn makes those other nations furious enough to employ terrorists to butcher Americans.

In stating that reality, there is a narrative again coming out of Donald Trump and the John Kelly Trump State media which is calling a Muslim terror propagandist whose entire purpose was to chop off the heads of the Saudi Royal Family and makes his  Muslim brotherhood all Obama kings of Saudi Arabia, and was not a reporter at all.
This Jamal Khoshoggi was the scum of the intelligence double agent world. He was also a Muslim, and a Saudi, no matter how American Donald Trump an others are trying to make this terrorist.

There is also a novel reality in any nations Embassy is sovereign soil on foreign soil. Russia's Embassy is Russian soil in America. That is why England can not pull out Julian Assange out of the Colombian Embassy in England.
It is also literal that Saudi Arabia's laws are legal in their Saudi Embassy in Turkey. That means when it is legal to chop off hands  and heads in Saudi Arabia, it is legal to do this in their embassy. Saudi Arabia is not a work of fiction, Saudi Arabia when it judges someone a threat to chop off royal heads, dispatches assassination teams to execute them in whatever manner the Royals say is legal.

I know this sounds Muslim outrage, when it comes to sophisticated coups like the British and Obama engaged in framing Donald  Trump to destroy him and other Americans, but it is amazing to remember that the Vatican used to burn people at the stake like Joan of Arc and they used to draw and quarter conspirators like William Wallace. Yes drawing and quartering is what the Saudi's did, and the British did.......and there is Piers Morgan ramping this up to cause the death of millions of people in the fall out when it is absolutely no one's business as this is Saudi Arabia with every legal right to condemn and execute every person they judge to be a threat.
The Saudi's are much more above board in their execution of Jamal Khoshoggi, as their government sanctioned this, compared to John Brennan, Barack Obama and these other conspirators overthrowing the 2016 elections in framing Donald Trump

Legally the Lame Cherry supports the right of Saudi  Arabia to deal with enemies of the state. They like all nations have that right. It has nothing to do with what you in your bias would deem right or wrong as this is not American law, but Saudi law.

None of this has a damn thing about executing this terrorist. This has to do with breaking the American hold on Saudi Arabia, because Europe is concerned over their Shia Iran money laundering and oil. This has to do with crippling the American Saudi oil alliance from the 1930's, to isolate the United States, cripple the Saudi production, and allow Europeans to gain cheap energy from Russia and Iran, and move into Libya.

It is absolutely inept for President Trump to once again jump into Ivanka Tomahawk bawl baby policy decisions. If Mr. Trump is doing this for the DIA, then it is a genocidal blow to Christian America as disrupting Saudi oil, means an Iranian Shia ascension of power backed by Russia, China, Turkey  and Germany.

Pompeo Warns Saudi Prince His Future as King in Peril Over Khashoggi, Source Says

For those who are unaware Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman who orchestrated this, has been purging the money whore Muslims from the kingdom, and with what is taking place in this set up, it is a given that someone who hates the United States, is pushing an agenda to elevate their own Jewish backed heir.

For those who need a refresher, when the King of Jordan died, his brother was heir, but the CIA chose another kid, who is CIA, has been training terrorists for Syria, after Obama threatened to put his head on a pike in another Arab Revolution.

The United States in it's leftist choices has a horrid record of choosing leaders. Jimmy Carter threw out the Shah of Iran as an ally, and put in the British agent Khomeini which started all of this disaster.

No need of a history lesson though for you genius non donors, as you know it all. What this is about is Saudi Arabia and it is absolutely no one's business how brutal Saudi Arabia was on their soil to one of their terrorists which the CIA apparently was paying.

Look I might not like the Jews that Mohammed bin Salman hangs around with.

You might like the smarmy Jews that Mohammed bin Salman hangs around with, but they sure like him.

If you desire another twist on this, remember Jeff Rense in analyzing the Las Vegas Massacre, analyzed a video surveillance in the advent of that mass murder, that a Saudi was being quickly escorted out under security, as in military and SWAT teams, and the person looks like Mohammed bin Salman.

Remember this blog pointed to Iranian involvement, and Latin mafia shooters on inquiry.  Las Vegas might have been a cover to assassinate the Crown Prince, who is now after being blessed by Jews and Donald Trump, is now being forced out.

The United States would do well to focus on what happened in Las Vegas to their citizens as what Saudi Arabia was engaged in against their subjects is none of the American's business. One would have thought after MI6 Christopher Steele and John Brennan's CIA in framing Mr. Trump would have taught him to stop listening to these agents.

America is now in a situation where Donald Trump backed Sunni Saudi Arabia for Great Tel Aviv against Shia Iran. Now Shia Iran's friends of Germany and Turkey, have provided evidence of Saudi Arabia executing justice according to their law, and remarkably America is now antagonizing murderous Sunni as it antagonized murderous Shia. There is nothing like a policy in pissing off two lunatic religions.

Mohammed bin Salman is what Islam is when it is friendly to America. It is like having a sore on your genitals in you still can have sex, but it rubs you raw at the same time. Put it this way, Mohammed bin Salman was killing Muslims and not killing Americans. That sounds like the only policy that President Trump should be engaged in for America.

After all, could image Obama ever be wrong?


Nuff Said
