Friday, October 5, 2018

Magdelene Luther

 4 May 1529 – 20 September 1542

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

None of us would be here today, if it were not for the Lord's work through Martin Luther. Could God have raised up another Luther, most certainly, but events would have changed. The fact is the United States was colonized by Protestant Christians and gave that Lutheran identity to America, which built that God planted nation to it's heights in God's Promise.

Most people will never examine a Martin Luther in the great sufferings he endured. One of his greatest was the longsuffering death of his 3rd child, Magdalene. All the prayer could not change the will of the Lord and the little girl suffered.

The beloved child, Magdalena, is sick. Her portrait, painted by Cranach, is seen still in the room where she was lying, a lovely child, with large eyes, clear and deep. Near the bed is now Luther, he prays:

"I love her a lot, but good God, if your will is to take her, I will give her to you with great pleasure. Then, addressing her: My little Magdalena, my little girl, soon you will not be with me, will you be happy without your father?

The tired child tenderly and softly answered: Yes, dear father, as God wants. Soon, we put her in the coffin. Luther looked Ah! Sweet Lenchen, he says, you will rise again and you will shine like a star, yes, like the sun! I am happy in the spirit, but my earthly form is very sad.

You have learned, he wrote to Justus Jonas: I believe the report has reached you that my dearest daughter Magdalena has been reborn into Christ's eternal kingdom. I and my wife should joyfully give thanks for such a felicitous departure and blessed end by which Magdalena escaped the power of the flesh, the world, the Turk and the devil; yet the force of our natural love is so great that we are unable to do this without crying and grieving in our hearts, or even without experiencing death ourselves. The features, the words and the movements of the living and dying daughter remain deeply engraved in our hearts. Even the death of Christ... is unable to take this all away as it should. You, therefore, give thanks to God in our stead. For indeed God did a great work of grace when he glorified our flesh in this way. Magdalena had (as you know) a mild and lovely disposition and was loved by all... God grant me and all my loved ones and all my friends such a death - or rather such a life

The following epitaph was placed on the grave of his little girl. It was the prose of Hope, in Faith, in Jesus the Christ.

I, Luther's daughter, Magdalene, with the saints here sleep,
and covered calmly rest on t his my couch of earth
Daughter of death I was, born of the seed of sin
But by Thy precious blood redeemed, O Chirst, I live!

Remember when satan,  the world and yes life does not render the miracles or life which you know should be, that Martin Luther remained Faithful in thee worst calamity any person can experience, in the death of the child with the Father has  given them.

Nuff Said
