Monday, October 1, 2018

Peak China

No Theresa, you drink as my cup is empty...

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

For most people the fixation on world markets are rightly on the United States and Japan. But ask yourself for a moment if everything President Donald Trump is engaged in, from trade wars, to the fallout of  European, Iranian and Chinese trade deals, cutting out the United States, if the con artists advising Donald Trump are absolutely ignorant of what is taking place, which they are not, or if something more grande is really taking place.

During the Obama Great Depression when United States oil prices hit peaks which never before had been created in impoverishing Americans, and enriching America's enemies, China had entered that market for crude oil, and was busy buying up long term contracts at 150 dollars a barrel. Over 50 dollars a barrel higher than market values then and almost 100 dollars in the past few years, and China is still burning that high priced crude in their economy, because the Chinese economy is state controlled system of price controls with a paper tiger economy, built on fraud. The Chicoms are built on 5000 years of swindlers and they are still swindling the world.
China has zero resources, over a billion cancerous Chinamen consumers, and the last reports were China was stockpiling warehouses in production as no one was buying their junk. Translation, China is only producing goods to keep a revolution at home from erupting, stockpiling them in the hopes of future sales, and is in the process of having overspent on American real estate and South American oil, as it now tries to sucker Europeans to pay for their enslavement silk road. To put it simply, Peking is out of cash, and is hoping to sucker Europeans into paying for moving their deteriorating warehouse goods to be dumped into Europe.

China handing out money is like the transvestite whore promising when you take her home, that she really has a vagina and is worth the sale.

That is the fake money that China hands out. China "invests" huge sums into western market which is all bogus, then sells at fire sale prices, and walks off with real western money. They dumped a fortune of bad money into South American for oil, and no one should be surprised when the  facts arise that these notes are all not worth the paper they are printed on.

Why China Just Made A $20B Investment In Venezuela

By @briannaclee

Could Oil Actually Hit $300?

China sees new world order with oil benchmark backed by gold

Yuan-denominated contract will let exporters circumvent US dollar
