Wednesday, October 24, 2018

The American Color Revolution

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

For a responsible Citizen, the following is disgusting, but that is what the Lenin's, the Mao's, the Obama's count on to sway the ignorant mob in the pity me, pity me rhetoric which appeals to low intelligence minds.

George Orwell probably assumed that after his warnings of Animal Farm and 1984 that people would never fall prey to any more hucksters built on the old communist propaganda, but with billionaires like Michael Bloomberg and George Soros, the masses are for hire and snowflake minds are readily adapted for low IQ screeds which appeal to there self determined more caring nature.

David  Hogg was in Massachusetts delivering a propaganda exercise which began with his chavanism and misogyny. It was the Obama "folks" rhetoric of down home, and in this case, "down town" rhetoric of YOU GUYS, in lumping men and women, and girls and boys into one masculine gender, but Michael Bloomberg paid for more than this in his Authoritarian Creation Mandate.

“I’m gonna talk to you guys not about the America we want to create, but the America we are going to create,” Hogg told the crowd, a mix of approximately 160 local high school students, UMass college students, administrators and the general public.

What Hogg started out with is the reality of "we" in the mob, are going to create. Creation is an interesting word as it brings something into being from something which is dead, in it displaces what was there. For Hogg his creation is based on he understands completely in creating new propaganda words to confuse the subject as he is now a CISGENDER which is not Transgender, but an effeminate person who is listed a having a penis and testicles, Hogg concludes that he can be an ally to colored people, as he leads the Negroid on a march through Chicago and tells their Negroid story as it apparently takes a sissy like Hogg to speak for colored folk.
Yes Hogg is gonna talk to those colored  folk too.

As a reality check, Chicago erupted in gun violence when Barack  Obama turned the drug trade over to MS 13 who began murdering the Mexican mafia. What is being conducted in Chicago is the Balkanization of the drug trade. By keeping Blacks and Latinos in turf wars, no Al Capone rises to the top, thereby the suppliers are in monetary control to launder greater profit into Wall Street.
David  Hogg does not make any mention of this considering the Jew Michael Bloomberg profits immensely from this drug money laundering system of the colored folk.

 “Being a cisgender white male,” said Hogg, “I don’t know what it’s like to be in the majority of Americans that are affected by gun violence, which is primarily women of color, but I can be an ally with them and tell their story when we march through the different parts of Chicago.”

Wiki provides the explanation of David Hogg the sissy, which does not have the least basis in anything, as this is propaganda as was manufactured in the 1960's and 1970's for everything from "the man" to "fetus". Hogg is simply stating he is a white boy to be pitied as he has a penis and society expects things from him if he wasn't enslaved like those colored people by his White Privilege.

Cisgender is a term for people whose gender identity matches the sex that they were assigned at birth. Cisgender may also be defined as those who have "a gender identity or perform a gender role society considers appropriate for one's sex". It is the opposite of the term transgender.More at Wikipedia

In the pity me, pity me rhetoric, Hogg regresses to the "I ain't no commie red", which of course is the protest of she doth protest too much in that is exactly what he is, a person of privilege who creates anarchy in the ignorant and colored classes in order to seize power, as you will notice that Hogg has left his Latin lesbians and the Negroids on the street, as the stage is all Big Brother his.
The rhetoric of not being pro gun or anti gun, only anti people dying, is weak. Hogg makes no mention of 250,000 babies butchered in the womb every year in Trump America yet as those are not people according to Hogg law.
What this always renders down to is this, David Hogg states he wants to remove the right of Americans to possess firearms in an easy and readily manner. American firearms owners since 1968 have endured this mandate and it has not stopped violence, but violence has engulfed  America as the David Hogg "fixes" in leaving Christianity, Morals and Firearms outlawed in guiding society has produced by design the very totalitarian system that Hogg says he is not promoting. Again it comes down to David Hogg has mandated that a group of people have not any rights and he is taking that right from them. That group according to the Constitution states they have that absolute right and are not giving it up..

Hogg is not part of any Republican form of government in  majority governance and minority rights, but a totalitarian state which dictates beyond even what the ignorant mob of democracy calls  for, because David Hogg represents the feudal few of the oligarch police state as defined in the example of his financier, Michael Bloomberg.

“the root of hate, when we’re talking with protestors that are shouting our names and saying that we’re gun-grabbing commies. First off, we’re not. The things that we advocate are public safety. Gun violence is a public health issue. We are not pro-gun or anti-gun, what we are is anti-people dying.”

David Hogg is by design, designed to be an idiot with a simple message. He appeals to the  weak mind, while infuriating the informed which recoils at such absolute stupidity and self absorbed narcissism. Hogg in that is the perfect demagogue. He provides little information, it is wrong, and appeals to the ignorant heart which is looking for some evil to hate so their injured souls do not have to hate themselves.

The perfect example in this rhetoric is  Hogg injecting race hatred against White Christians by referencing Indian terrorists in America, and linking the American Indian to hordes of invaders from China, Central America and the Mideast as the same race. Hogg terms America as "stolen land"so it is not appropriate to call criminals illegal for coming here to genocide in replacing White Christian America.
Again the reality to the informed is the Indian came from Japanese Mountain Peoples. A  second  wave of peoples came from Phoenicia after the fall of Carthage.  A third wave appeared in  America in the Viking settlements which populated most of the American interior. The fourth wave was Christian Europeans who developed America. All had right to people this land, and the Christian was successfully blessesd at their settlement.
For the ignorant, the Lame Cherry will explain again, these stolen lands which Hogg is quoting the Sioux at Wounded Knee, were stolen by Canadian Sioux who invaded America, and  were in process until being stopped by  Christian White America from completing genocide of the Plains Tribes from the Pawnee to the Crow.
The fact is that the Iroquois Confederation of "civilized tribes" were  engaged in the same genocide  of  other Indian tribes until checked by the Christian  Americans in wars. These terrorists were cannibals, rapists, robbers and murderers as were all of these Indian tribes. Those facts get in the way of a 15 second statement by Hogg before young minds to be brainwashed, but this is not about refuting the deceptions of David Hogg, but exposing him as the same hired snake oil salesman to go out and sow revolution into peaceful nations for their overthrow.

“Mass shootings have been happening for the last couple of centuries, ever since the advent of the gun. If we want to talk about mass shootings one of the first things we have to acknowledge is the battle of Wounded Knee, where over 100 Native Americans were slaughtered by the United States government,” he told the students. “We also have to acknowledge the fact that disproportionately Native Americans are underrepresented in our government and we also have to acknowledge how wrong it is that we call people illegal on stolen land.”

For the  record, Wounded Knee took place after Indians slaughtered 268 Americans. Those Americans were there due to the request of the Crow Indians who were being  terrorized by Sioux and Cheyenne Indians.
Wounded Knee took place because after being defeated in the winter campaign of 1876 AD in the year of our Lord, went onto reservations, and began a terror movement called the Ghost Dance which stated that all the White people were going to be dead and the buffalo were going to come out of  caves and repopulate the land.
 A Sioux by the name of Big Foot led his band off the reservation in violation of federal law, and on the morning that the new 7th Cavalry captured them, an Indian leader medicine man was ranting and  throwing dirt into the air, attempting to start a fight, which indeed did happen.
That is the reality of Wounded Knee. It was Indian terrorism in a long series of terrorist event aimed at Americans begun in the Minnesota uprising which had Sioux raping women, butchering children and nailing Americans to walls in crucifying them.

For Mr. Hogg to be  this ignorant is by design as he lumps Indians with Mexicans as a race. Ignorance of children in liberal Massachusetts breeds this anarchy by design. If Indians are not represented, it is for the same reason people from Afghanistan to the Maldives are not represented as their population numbers are too low and they do not make the effort to run for office.
All of this is known, but it is the gimmick of David  Hogg and his Michael Bloomberg propaganda. Create a victim, create an evil to rail against, and then seize power over that conflict.

This concludes this expose' upon one of the propaganda criminals against the United States. This is insurrection which Hogg has been paid to promote in this America Color Revolution. The police state protects all of this criminality while criminalizing those who uphold the law, as all of this upheaval is designed to tear the societal fabric to shreds, Balkanizing America, for the rule of the feudal few.

I would not be surprised if Bloombert, Hogg and Emanuel have a martyrdom set up for the Hogg March to sway the elections. If one takes place, watch the mass talking points for the Rainbow Sissy Boy has his colors have faded in he has zero traction among the snowflakes.

Once again another Lame Cherry exclusive as no one else will do this as they are ignorant or they are paid to promote the conflict for their oligarch masters right and left.

Nuff Said
