Saturday, October 13, 2018

The Future Tense of Brett Kavanaugh

Mr. Justice let me wipe your desk off for you as everyone else have gone home and it is just us here.......

Brett Kavanaugh in appointing all female clerks,
should probably never be alone with any woman, as 
with Scopalamine and mind control, his great suffrage
 of women can be turned on him to make him suffer
right off the court.
-Lame Cherry 

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The point of this post is to not waste my time which I have none of, but to point out some realities for those who were suckered into thinking that trading Brett Kavanaugh pedophile rape defenses for Gun Rights and Life Rights, have not examined the reality that sodomite Judge Roberts who leads the Supreme Court has saw to it that the Supreme Court after Heller, the Gun Rights ruling, has declined to hear all gun right's cases, and placed the ruling into the lower liberal courts who have gutted Heller and ignored it.

That is Obamacare tax boy John Roberts, who rules that court with the other Obama Clinton leftists. So how deluded are you people in thinking that Brett Kavanaugh is going to change anything?

For those who missed it, John Roberts handed over the complaints filed against Brett Kavanaugh to the liberal 10 Court. They are reviewing all of these charges. What this is about, and no one has informed you a they are all dimwits or deep state trolls is this is to blackmail Brett Kavanaugh to not vote for a repeal of Roe vs. Wade.
See when the panel finds that Kavanaugh is impeachable, then Nancy Pelosi, taking the House which Paul Ryan and Donald Trump with his GOP RNC handed over to the democrats, because Donald Trump was not putting up candidates to run against democrats, and the wonder of wonders, Donald Trump from Alabama, Arizona, West Virginia, South Dakota put "his people" into the races to destroy the Conservatives, so what remained was liberal democrats or RINO's winning.

Those are the realities of the 2018 Midterms. I told you this first. I told you that Bush, Obama and now under Trump that the deep state has so pumped Mexicans and liberals into secure Conservative areas, that they are now marginal to a few thousand votes to steal these seats with e vote fraud. The only secure seats in Congress now are liberals.

The only chance America had was for President Trump to be President. He needed to gain control early, but was led around by Pence, Ivanka and Kelly. He needed to make a 40 million person militia legally to march in every state capitol, with the military and in Washington DC to present this force joined with the Federal Police, that there was force which would be unleashed to negate those who are engaged in everything from what Brett Kavanaugh now faces to what America will face.

The situation does not remedy itself in the coming years. There will be a massive debt bubble collapse. There will be nothing changing in the Supreme Court which you thought would take place for America. You will continue to be gouged and replaced by Visa Vermin. There will be flash point wars and a coming big war, a this global  depression is breeding the same situation by design.

Brett Kavanaugh was already a Bush Boy. That means he was already a socialist or Bush would not have appointed him and Karl  Rove would not be hugging on him. So you had two issues you thought you would win on, and now you fought to desensitize America to rape and pedophilia, and by blackmail Brett Kavanaugh will be neutered by the 10th or Nancy Pelosi will impeach him with threats against Clarence Thomas.
There will be calls to have Kavanaugh recuse himself, meaning the Court will be 4 to 4 as that will be the cover for this 7 liberals and 2 Conservative Supreme Court, and that means all  the lower courts which are liberal will be making US law which will stand from DC, to Denver to San Francisco.

That does not look like winning. It looks like what it is, you lost the war for one rape battle as Donald Trump is not in control of Law Enforcement, so he is not having arrested all of these meddlers filing court papers to thwart things, and that means the swamp is filling up. Donald Trump has believed the Defense Intelligence Agency which secured him the White House from Clinton theft. That belief though has him in the high tower, not telling the people what is really taking place on the promise the DIA will prevail.
MAGA can not prevail as Donald Trump allowed the Oil Barons to raise energy prices robbing Americans. This repatriation of money in the Cohn tax rapine was the greatest robbery of Americans in history. Americans are being replaced by foreign vermin. So the only hope is that by this blog publishing the throwing of the House in criminal election fraud to neuter Trump and Kavanaugh may unnerve those enough behind it that the fraud RINO's stay in power in the House. I doubt it as Paul Ryan was leaving a long time ago as he he knew the fix was in then to lose the House.

There is zero difference between Ronald Reagan thinking he won in setting up South American Republics to trade with and prosperity, and the banksters making debt slaves of South Americans to install communists and market crashes in America robbing you, to your thinking we won in Donald Trump when those behind it had legal jeopardy already filled in Robert Mueller and in Brett Kavanaugh the 10th Court.

As I have always cautioned all of you, none of you can do anything about this, so do not get into trouble by being stupid. The only hope was a leader who would call out the mob to save themselves as George Washington did from this same London bankster system. Without a national leader for protection, the sheep would be criminalized and wiped out by the police state. It is a Scripture states a time to be prudent in keeping silent.

The Lame Cherry posts this as it always has to educated you and inform you of the abyss you are jumping off into as you are  falling for FOX and all that online rubbish of following the Pied Piper. I look to Christ and am doing my best to teach you by Martin Luther's Catechism as I do not have a part in this world. The rich are keeping their cash and not donating, even though the writing on the wall is their portfolios will be wiped out in the future.
You know now the maneuverings which have Brett Kavanaugh already neutralized. John Roberts will not allow any cases to come before Kavanaugh to restore Rights and in the process of time, Kavanaugh will be removed, recused or reincarnated as the ghost of Anthony Kennedy liberalism to survive you do remember Mitch McConnell's Supreme Court appointments in a Presidential election year. Kavanaugh has about three weeks before he will be screamed at to recuse himself from rulings, then the impeachment under Pelosi, and then in that vacation time, the Supreme Court will be 4 to 4 until 2021 AD in the year of our Lord with lower liberal courts ruling America in Obama Law.

It has all been  worked out and now you are aware, as the rich are still unaffected in being moved  to donate to this blog as they should and could.

Nuff Said
