Friday, October 5, 2018

The Last Word on the Kavanaugh and Ford Speech Reversals

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

David John Oates in Reverse Speech on Brett Kavanaugh and Christine Blasey Ford are important now that Brett Kavanaugh is about to become Obama's 3rd term judge to the Supreme Court.

I am not going to post all of his work, but simply point out this synopsis in Brett Kavanaugh repeats that he does not remember any of this. He spoke of suing the planet.
Christine Ford remembers being attacked, but does not mention Kavanaugh by name, but a THEM.  A deal was worked out with democrats.

Erase the sin, not sex.

Brett Kavanaugh

That could mean his protests are to erase his sin and there was not sex, or erase the sin, as he can not erase the sex.

What the conclusion points to is Brett Kavanaugh did get shit faced drunk. As no one else is cooberating Ford, and all are backing Kavanaugh, Kavanaugh thinks he may of done things he does not remember, but what Ford is going after Kavanaugh with she never mentions him.

An example of her is in going to a party in admitting she did not know if Kavanaugh was there said:

I was scared. I am not evil.

Christine Blasey Ford.

What David John Oates seemed to relate is Kavanaugh does not remember and that Blasey Ford suffered from some event.

Diane Feinstein is funding this Blasey Ford event.

I paid words. You funded

Senatore Diane Feinstein

David John Oates had a fringe reversal where he says he was set up.  How the Lord Damn you, is another Brett Kavanaugh reversal about his daughter praying for Christine Ford. Kavanaugh is bewildered in not remembering things, but he also is furious this group of people have framed him. He has  numerous references to this in it sin.

It all ends up with Brett Kavanaugh does not remember what he is accused of and whatever Blasey Ford experienced she believes it happened, and she never in reversals says it is Kavanaugh, rape or she was in danger.

Enjoy your Mike Pence Supreme Court tie breaker Judge.

Nuff Said
