Thursday, October 25, 2018

The Problems with Political Bombs

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Liberty Daily noted an interesting thing about these "bombs" which were sent to all of these liberals in mass, and the question is "Where are the postal cancellation marks on the stamps"?

There is not a mark on these stamps which is impossible.

Where are the Postal Marks on These Mail ‘Bomb’ Packages

These bombs did not go through the United States mail. These packages are hand sorted and then stamped. In logical deduction, these packages were dropped  off at a bulk mail box. They have 3 dollars in stamps on them. I just mailed my Obama Waiver which was a few sheets of paper and it cost 1.50 to mail. There is not any way that a metal pipe bomb as pictured, was not weighed and deemed to have inadequate postage, and yet here is the reality that FOX reports that police intercepted the CNN package at CNN and the Clinton package was intercepted by the Secret Service. That concludes these packages all should have been postmarked and more importantly weighed and noted postage due. That alone would have set off the alarms in the sorting room as to who this was addressed to. I will submit that these packages were flagged at the postal sorting facility in New York, and then advanced to their deliveries to produce this news event.

The U.S. Secret Service intercepted a bomb that was addressed to Hillary Clinton at the Chappaqua, N.Y., home she shares with former President Bill Clinton and another that was sent to former President Obama at his home with Michelle Obama in Washington. A police bomb squad removed still another from CNN's New York headquarters at the Time Warner Center in midtown Manhattan, which was evacuated.

USPS announces new 2018 prices

WASHINGTON — The United States Postal Service filed notice with the Postal Regulatory Commission (PRC) today of price changes to take effect Jan. 21, 2018. The new prices, if approved, include a one cent increase in the price of a First-Class Mail Forever stamp from 49 cents to 50 cents.

As all of you have been gouged by shipping at the USPS as I have, you might contemplate that 3 dollars would not have gotten this package out of the post office. This site calculated a 3.5 pound package would cost between $8.43 and $11.15. I submit to you the original Liberty Daily observation, that there were not any cancellation marks on these stamps, because these packages never left the postal sorting center, but were immediately transferred to law enforcement and delivered to their destinations for a media event.

USPS Priority Mail Calculator 2018 | ShippingEasy

After the first half-pound (8 ounces), Priority Mail rounds up any weight of a package to the nearest pound. So if your package is 2 lbs. and 8 oz. (2.5 pounds) it will round up to 3lbs. Try different Zones and package weights to see all of the available rates for Priority Mail.

With that we have the first problem which melds into the second problem of the stamps.

Here is the proof of no postal cancellation on these stamps.

Here is a close up of the "bomb"

What we are dealing with here is a metal pipe, wrapped in electrician's tape. On each end is a metal cap, with a hole drilled into it, in which a ground and hot wire are bed into it, where the "explosive" is housed, and a trigger or primer is located, hence a detonator to activate the device.
This was not pressure triggered as most mail bombs are. This was not a cell phone activation, but instead was a timer switch as the above photo reveals by the digital reading present. In extent, this device has zero value as on a timer, it would activate at a time not in the victim's presence and more to the point, the device would be discovered as was the intention, and the building evacuated, and photos would be taken for the necessary political manifesto.

A second official who is also involved in the investigation told Fox News that the choice of a pipe bomb is unusual because there is no obvious way to detonate it. A common explosive device sent by mail uses musical greeting cards to trigger the detonator.

So now we have a conclusion on the evidence in these devices were never meant to detonate in whoever created them. There is the damning reality of no postal cancellation stamps, which concludes law enforcement was involved in this before the package left the postal facilities. That begs the question of as law enforcement was not about to be delivering live devices to destinations, it conclude that these devices were deemed inactive.
As you probably missed this in the photo, ask yourself if you would be standing around a bomb with a timer on it running, sticking your face next to it, to take a photo? Obviously not, and obviously as this was not photographed by a robotic, and was on desk, not in a mail room at CNN, due to the containers behind the device, we are observing a photo which was set up to not reveal the return address by design, and the photographer knew this device was harmless.

The question then begs, who in New York, would be really giddy in law enforcement to be making media events, along with other democratic union strongholds of devices which should never been transferred out of US postal facility, as someone placed these devices for the New York Police and Secret Service to gain possession of. This even appeared on Capitol Hill where Maxine Waters was on this interesting event stage.

Waters said Capitol Police had told her that "my Washington, DC office was the target of a suspicious package that has been referred to the FBI.
"I am appreciative of the law enforcement entities who intercepted the package and are investigating this matter," Waters added. "I unequivocally condemn any and all acts of violence and terror."

The President has stated that he desires to get to the bottom of this. The  problem is the top of this already has another deep state theatrical production about it, which is designed to create doubt in people who observe things which are not possible considering the official published narrative.

It is one thing for an Alex Jones false flag to be engineered by deranged democrats. It is another thing though when like Pissgate the deep state is leaving signatures which do not fit the released narrative so that people do not believe that narrative.

I am not about to inquire about this as interesting visits by the police state have my publishing only online sources and not what the matrix is pointing to.

Nuff  Said
