Monday, November 12, 2018

Donald Trump's Lame Duck Congress Grab

As another Lame  Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

 The Lame Cherry has  a list of 12 laws the Republican Congress should be bullied by the Trump pulpit  and  making Mike Pence prove his value in this Lame Duck Session before democrats take over.

These are not thousand page acts, but one line laws, which are meant to be open ended, absolutely open to interpretation of the Citizen in order safeguard them and gum up the works in giving liberal courts and Nancy Pelosi something to deal with forever.

Let liberals try and start passing bills, running on platforms denying Americans life, guns, their money and denying American's amnesty from federal laws. Let Hillary Clinton run on a DNC platform repealing all of this.

  1. Heart Beat Is Life Law
  2. National Constitutional Carry Law
  3. Repeal of 1968 Gun Control Act
  4. Repeal Obamacare
  5. Tax Relief America in no income tax for those earning under $50,000
  6. American Family Act in ending Sodomite marriage.
  7. Ending Federal Funding of States operating with unbalanced budgets
  8. Christian 10% Tithe Protection Tax in Christians only pay 10 percent federal and state taxes combined per year.
  9. Local US Militia procurement law in providing firearms to all citizens.
  10. Repeal of every Barack Obama action and the immediate removal of all federal judges upholding those laws. 
  11. 5000 dollar bounty on all illegals in the United States, dead or alive.
  12. Complete Amnesty for all American Citizens from all government regulations. 

If Donald Trump wants to be genuine and legitimate. Let him force Republicans to pass these 12 bills which he will immediately sign into law before Christmas.

I have had enough of these election fraud diversions. Let us have this President and Congress deliver in their Lame Duck Days.

Another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said
