Thursday, November 29, 2018

For Debbie

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Debbie wrote as I was getting ready for bed and wanted to answer in some good for today.

Now please finally start taking care of yourself. I put off my root canal since I was staying with Daddy at the hospital. So now I'm fighting a nasty tooth infection and I'm not worth 50 cents with my husband and son. I pray to Jesus that you take better care and don't let the flu turn into pneumonia and that can happen very fast.  Love to TL too. xo

This is a remedy someone on a natural remedy site said did work.

Healing Tooth Nerve Rather Than Root Canal - Earth Clinic

Pine oil or turpentine contains large amounts of beneficial iso-pinenes which are easily and quickly absorbed through the skin (ditto for the gums). Pinenes are anti-bacterial, anti-viral, anti-fungal, anti-parasitic and anti-micoplasma.
I have never tried this, but I am using pine oil for some candida on my nose and it is working. Just trying to be helpful.
