As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
As this needs to be said, if I could this blog would be 24/7 about Jan Michael Vincent, the best television star ever, of course that would be when this blog was not writing about Joaquin Phoenix, the greatest cinema star ever. as when you have JMV and JP, you really do not need anything else in life as they are like air and water, in all you really need.
Most people do not know that JMV was the prototype for the Navy SEALS, Green Berets, Delta Force and the US Rangers, in thinking it was Charles Bronson, but it all goes back to the deep undercover movie, VIGILANTE FORCE, in which real life CIA agent, Jan Michael Vincent with his partner, Mr. Dictoria Principal, who later went deep undercover on Dallas as a woman in Victoria Principal, in stopping a coup against President Hubert H. Humphrey.
Yes most people think that Richard Nixon was President in 1968, but it was really Humphrey who was President and Richard Nixon selflessly made himself a target at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue to save President Humphrey from the coup which everyone thought brought down Nixon in Watergate.
Here is the pertinent satellite drone photos from the operation as they really happened.
Of course I will save President Humphrey from a Watergate coup Mr. Director
of the Deep State....
Goddamn it Dictoria, quit sitting so damn close to me.
You are a guy and I hate your dick rubbing against me.
Goddamn it Dictoria, I don't want to ride front and back
on your bicycle. I am here to save President Humphrey!!!
What's up with that Dictoria, is he a guy or a girl with a dick?
You boys know what this beer bottle feels like?
Hey Jan you don't need beer to cool your balls off.
I can blow on them like I do mine.....
I can blow on them like I do mine.....
That Dictoria says I have an ass like an Airedale.
What do you think?
You ever made it with a shemale Agent Vincent?
After all what happens in the outback stays in the outback.
I ought to goddamn drop both of you faggots
off at Bohemian Grove with a palm tree up your ass!!!
Look Dictoria, you make Hubert Humphrey resign or
I will tell everyone the truth that you are a man!!!
Yes President Humphrey, I have the Watergate conspirator down.
The Presidency is safe.
As President I owe everything to Agent Jan Michael Vincent!!!
I was sort of shooting at you Dictoria.........
and I hit the Watergate guy by mistake.
You are one tough mother fucker JMV.
When I grow up I am going to be just like you...
...and I fucking did you pansy asses!!!
Nuff Said