Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Table of Duties: Workers

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The world is a place which is Nimrod, in which those in power, have the police state, the money and the strength to always have the masses envious and at a distance. Those who do not work, but exploit are the focal point of society, but the reality is, it is the masses of people who show up for work, and buy things in mass, is what keeps a nation going.
For all the modern talk of robotics, what is the pleasure of those in power lording over circuits who will never be human,  when it is always the god mentality in the feudal few which actually needs fortunes and police states to feel validated by a working society.

People are what makes a healthy society and the ruling powers are what makes a degenerate body. God though is the only One Who is capable of turning a Joseph in a prison into the chosen ruler of Egypt by Pharaoh.

All people who work, and that includes the rich in the foremost as more has been entrusted to them to advance the Gospel than the poor in concentrated funds, should do their jobs with honesty and obedience to morals, for all of us serve God in our work from the sweat or our brow or the sweat of other people's brows that the rich take credit for.

To Workers of All Kinds

Slaves, obey your earthly masters with respect and fear, and with sincerity of heart, just as you would obey Christ. Obey them not only to win their favor when their eye is on you, but like slaves of Christ, doing the will of God from your heart. Serve wholeheartedly, as if you were serving the Lord, not men, because you know that the Lord will reward everyone for whatever good he does, whether he is slave or free. Eph. 6:5–8

A good Spiritual nature in doing positive things to others and in this world, will be rewarded by God. The rich are rewarded and the poor a rewarded. For those who think that money is the greatest of rewards, tell that to someone who is dying. Money is the greatest of perils in rewards as the rich have proven, as it never is enough money and their generosity is based in how little love their is in their heart.

Work is not a curse from God. The curse was the removed blessing for easy success, as God would work the sweat of the brow to teach character to people, who never appreciate things that come easy. Workers though are exploited by communists and capitalists, who will answer in their own denial of God in the prime directive of loving God and caring for other people.
Imagine those people who are rich with 10 million dollars if they had invested that money in 40 people at 250,000 dollars a person, in silent partner businesses, and when Judgment came, there would be an answer for being rich, in they invested in people to give them a chance. Yes all would not be successful. Most would become as greedy as the original 10 million dollar purse clencher, but some would make it, and turn that 10 million into 40 million.
Of what much is given, much is required by God. And in this, the little given to the masses, is still something to be proven to God that you can have character and handle that lower job and that wage without being a sinner.
I have an example tonight from the dear Viking. He is going through what we are going through in caring for an aging parent in all of it's taxing ways. He is not at home and is one of the finest people we know in the sacrifice this gentleman is making. He donated as one of the few who is Faithful every month. He can not afford it no more than anyone can, but this month he donated and it did not show up. So he donated on a credit card and then noticed two donations went through. I was not about to take that kind of advantage of him or anyone else, as I have returned donations which were made by mistake, and I am thankful that people trust me and do not get upset as you would not believe some people when it comes to a donation in how the fang and claw come out.
The Viking wrote and said he did not want to be an Indian giver. I wrote back and said he is a friend, and we are going through the same thing. I appreciated him saying to keep the credit donation, but I was never going to take advantage of a mistake no matter how poor I am. I think often of my beloved Uncle in my brother being upset his artwork went to people it should not of as some of those paintings were in the thousands of dollars. I was pleased I never got them, as I would have been tempted to sell them. I instead got the artwork of memories in a broken decoy and a print as my brother said, "Is worth as much as toilet paper". Uncle though had a calendar he saved with that mallard duck print on it, and as it meant a great deal to him, it means a great deal to me.
In a rewards system, as it  took sometime, TL and I were in the thrift store one Saturday and I noted these elk paintings which were huge. One was marked 4 dollars, the other 5 dollars. I immediately grabbed them as I love the allure of American elk. The one painting actually is by an artist who my sister lived by in his parents and the other featured two cow elk, which are rarely featured, and they were superb. We checked and for our 9 dollars, we have five to six hundred dollars in prints.  We will one day frame and mat them for our home as they will be perfect in the size and feel for our home we keep praying for in all of these difficulties in the work we are doing now.

What does that have to do with workers? Everything God promises. This is a really degrading job here in begging people for money. I often as our Las Vegas Jeff says are an amusing attraction for strange people who think they own me. I though serve God and hope for the money to come in from the rich who think that money is theirs and not God's. It took a number of years for us to obtain some more expensive artwork than toilet paper, but God remembered and God will always reward our goodness to our enemies and those who use us spitefully.

A job is more than work. It is doing what is right in small things. I have no idea the positions which may be available in this world which God will open up for me. They all would be a major step down from the position here of working as the Holy Ghost's typist. The promise is power in Heaven which is fine, but that is no why here am I being Faithful in a little here, much will be the reward.
I am not doing this for rewards though. I am doing it because it is the right thing to do. The Viking and I as workers in Christ, were Faithful to Him and each other. God will reward in the best ways.

Luke 19:17

And he said unto him, Well, thou good servant: because thou hast been faithful in a very little, have thou authority over ten cities.

God bless the Faithful worker, the servant of the Lord.

Nuff Said
