As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
This is a translation of events which no one has understood in the intrigue of how the adults of Europe play the stage.
Recently that faggot Em Macron of France informed the world that Europe must have a standing independent military, and that Europe needs to protect herself from Russia, China and the United States.
“That’s why I do believe my proposals for European defense are totally consistent with that,” Macron further underlined despite his recent remarks in which he appeared to regard the US as a threat.
Discussing the growing dangers from cyber-hacking, alleged meddling in electoral processes as well as Washington’s decision to withdraw from a key arms-control treaty with Russia, Macron emphasized during a radio interview last week that Europe needed to protect itself against China, Russia “and even the United States.”
To this Donald Trump took great offense and Em Macron backed down.
That is what was under reported as President Vladimir Putin agreed for the need for a European force to rid Europe of America.
For the real story, the real master behind this, is the same master of this race in having surrogates promote the Chancellor's agenda for the arising European Super State.
In a clinical examination of this, Europe of course must free itself from being a puppet of America and Russia on energy and defense and Europe must not become a puppet of China. This is the venue of Sebastian Kurz, as he has moved his proxy in Emmanuel Macron to float the reality of the coming European Military, as this reality is coming, and this was the first move in the Chancellor brushing off the United States.
It will be logical to conclude that the European ruling class should move against America, by the premier mechanism of the Wall Street markets sooner than later. They have repeated the friction in the years leading up to the Civil War of 1861 AD in the year of our Lord, in the current democrat seizing republican house seats left to them, and to add to this bounty in the prelude to world war one, a market crash in 2019 AD in the year of our Lord, should keep the United States busy about it's own enemies domestic.

Speichellecker Macron
The Chancellor will have his European military and there is not anything that the President of the United States can do about any of this, as this is the European adults about a board which the greatest minds have ever played, and a great mind is at play again, and the world is most fortunate to have this master on the stage to tutor the children how the adults of the world produce results.
Expect Macron to go the way of May and Merkel, with France going nationalist soon enough and being cut from the central European fold in being marginalized. This will break along the old Israelite Assyrian tribes as it always does.
Now you yet to donate rich people, go back to your ballot counting diversions, as the adults are on the move and you do not even know the strategy or the game.
Nuff Said