Saturday, November 24, 2018

The Tijuana Trump Human Traffick Pipeline

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

This is a short post as I have funeral tomorrow. I wanted though to appeal to the rich people who have not made that big donation yet, that the Lame Cherry is right about things, and you should be generously showing your appreciation.

This is the headline in the New York Post, an it is exactly what I predicted this border farce is all about.

US Formalizes Deal To Have Caravan Illegals Stay
In Mexico...Until Trump Brings Them In

I told you that all of these vermin were going to be legalized by Donald Trump and brought into America. So the deal is you pay vermin rape cock to vacation in Mexico, until the Trump Junta hands out their work visas and they become instant citizens replacing you.

You do realize that Donald Trump just produced a trans shipping point of human traffick in Mexico, into America which will now link up with other traffick points inside the United States to streamline all of this not of Mexicans but that yellow skinned trash of central America.

Told ya.

The correct criminals will come into America. Correct means the ones who will reestablish the former dope trade lower syndicate which Obama neutralized. Every last damn one of these 40,000 vermin are going to get into the United States and become employed in jobs near you, and your jobs too.
These are the workers Donald Trump was told to bring into the United States for the nazi conglomerates. Asylum my ass, this is more WWE and President John Kelly, as 40,000 illegals reappear with Visas on the American side of the border.

Nuff Said
