Friday, November 30, 2018

Things that go knock at 7 AM

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I am typing this on November 27th, 4 days after my mom died. The reason for this is for things that go bump in  the morning.

TL and I were up and doing things, like calling Social  Security and insurance companies to  try and sort things out after people die. I was doing whatever and the Puntz, who has been quite over anxious and hiding these past days when we are not in the house, had just kitty littered and I was following to check on her, and as she walked into mom's bedroom, I knew she  would return and so I turned around, and when I turned back, there was one of mom's socks I had just gotten her laying on the floor.
No way in that house that that sock just got there, so I picked it up, went back to the kitchen and TL said our picture was on the floor which  was on the fridge.

Yeah I suspected the mother and was not going to put up with visitors.

A short time later, the Puntz who was having TL issues, decided to drive 3 claws into my hand and hiss at me. We have had issues in batting at me earlier and cat moods point to something affecting them, and that something as of late did  not like me.

So to wrap this up, I tell my brother the things going on in a text, and he writes back some things and at the end he types, "Yes when I was there, something was tapping on the wall at 7 AM and it was apparently only for me to hear".

I thought, how odd boy that you made that a link with lines under it.

A short time later he said, "Why did that part of the message highlight like that".

I told him, he had company from mom, so be sure to enjoy the quality time.

I was digging around in this later in the day, and in inquiry I think I tracked this down in it was not her doing this completely. It was not demons or dark energy, but inquiry indicated it was 3 people who really do not like me, who are not pleased with TL's and my relationship. Probably the force which was enhancing the heinousness of the mother. I did not ask about all of this as I am exhausted, but I do know when mom made a trip through here trying to help that willpower of these people zeroed in on her like a missile and that is what was setting things off in objects falling.

As for the tapping, yes that apparently was my brother's dear mum, gently tapping, perhaps for only him to hear. I did not ask the details, I just am not going to put up with this shit. By God's Grace we got her into Heaven and she is going to stay there. She can get rich people to donate generously to get us out of this debt hole she created by praying to God up there, but I have no interest in her being around here, as she apparently has hateful energy from these people which spiked this morning when she was trying to help around here. Her former help was 10 times more work, and she cost me extra work this morning.

Another something that I never figured on in the gift that keeps  on giving, except with what she should be doing in asking God for cash to make up for her .........whatevers that God is having  me deal with yet.

Nuff Said
