Tuesday, December 18, 2018

A Christmas Holy Ghost

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The Viking brings things to mind which I pay little attention to, unless of course I am in terror of wondering why the Holy Ghost ......or more to the point, in what hurtful thing I have now done in which the Holy Ghost moves from me.

I would that I was as Elisha in seeing the king upon his bed and hearing conversations. It would be so much easier in conducting this blog, but what goes on in me, in my brain and in my heart feels like a soft fleshly push in most instances. I simply am led to look at things, and usually am not even voicing the questions any more, and I simply "know" things.
I have not considered this for some time, as I am so distracted while focused. Put it this way, here am I putting the rocking horse winner to move  some rich people to generously large donations to take the pressure off of me, that I am not paying attention to the information and it is coming to me.
It is akin to scrying in looking through the mirror and images come. The teaching in all of this is to distract the mind and information comes. I used to focus and clear my thoughts, then used to loop rock music and write poetry, I have opened myself to receiving while praying, to this current overload of too much exhaustion, misery and distraction of multiple sources taxing me, and yet the information comes.
I often do not know what is coming when I hit the Prophetic keyboard. The post on Jerome Corsi and Chuck Ross had no intention of going where it ended up with the formation of the Missing Link. That is the Holy Ghost Inspiration. I had mentioned Control years ago, and addressed this, but it is now evolved to a new structure in where I suspect it is going as the weave becomes a cloth. I "see" a broader vista in the ether beyond the clouds and the narration begins filling in the pieces.
I get anxious over this, yes anxiety in anticipating the information, being confused as I do not have all the pieces and yet I can feel the rocket on the rail and know I am going someplace I have no control over and am along for the ride.

Why is it so comforting to read about the coming calamitous conditions you expound upon? And how do you develop, not that you haven’t already pounded it out, a relationship with the Holy Ghost where when you’re stumped, He speaks to you of the resolution of something?

I was created for this in a mother's prayer.  I feel often like I am this intricate piece of machinery, attached to a massive bulldozer and have a rocket jet of power sheering through me for my destruction before I blow apart as I was not meant to withstand this. Maybe it is like Jonathan Livingston Seagull making power dives with his old feathers with the Angel birds and the strains are too much for the wings.
It is not my purpose to question my maker's purpose of using me in what I would deem misuse, but what am I but an instrument to glorify God. Does a rifle barrel get to complain to the soldier for being burned out? I am here God's purpose, that which I was has disappeared long ago.

This is not about me though, but about the Gift of the Holy Ghost. I have never understood people who do not know how to communicate with God, as it is easy, you just open yourself up and with emotion natter on at God and listen as you talk with your feelings.

Jesus says that the Father Wills to have those who will worship Him in Spirit and Truth. Spirit is your thoughts projected toward God and once you touch Him, you feel Him.  Truth is being honest what you are in sinning, wanting to be with God with all of you and accepting God's boundaries and definitions of you.
The denying of all you are in your ego and accepting God in you as the Preeminent Person in you, is the start.

Maybe being beat to hell for so long helps, but I no longer care about me or whatever I am. I do not care about places in Heaven nor recognition here. How God uses me is what I accept to death and I do not desire mansions in Heaven as a tree by a pond in a meadow in Heaven is fine by me so I can sleep. It is the same here, what I desire is peace and to just sleep. It is how I approach each day in Hope in just having this jet engine bring me to a place of rest which has not yet appeared.

The Holy Ghost is Whose I am. I believe I always let Him down in all the imperfections I am. It is not an excuse, it is my frail reality of I do  not yet have the ability to have so many things coming at me, that I can manage without hanging on. That is not for most of you, as I have a different purpose. The Holy Ghost is though wonderful and special. I had the luxury a lifetime ago of just enjoying the focus upon Him and the interaction. Growing though is not about sitting on your nature for my purpose in God, but in becoming who He intends. That though is not me as you have the luxury of having a focused relationship with the Holy Ghost by interacting. Just never go back to deliberate sin or abusing the Holy Ghost or you will have an alienation which will be an emptiness you will never recover as it feels like a wind over a cavity.

God wills to reveal Himself. It is what I miss  most in being worked like this, in I no longer have the luxury to have that personal interaction in the endless place where time vanishes. Now it is exhaustion, falling asleep and either waking up tense and praying more, to be exhausted.

There would not be a Christmas without the Holy Ghost as He put Jesus into the Virgin Mary by miracle. There would not be a Christmas Story without the Holy Ghost as by Him, Holy Men of God spoke as they were moved by Him. You would not be here if the Holy Ghost had not brooded Life into the waters in Creation.

That is a Holy Ghost Christmas
